Why Having Good Balance Matters

Simple Exercises For Good Balance by Jennifer Ledford

Good balance is a function that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. Good balance helps you stay upright, gives you the confidence to participate in the activities you enjoy, is important for your safety — and, as you age, affects your ability to live independently.

While “balance training” may not always sound as exciting as other types of exercise, having good balance helps you maintain your quality of life. That’s why it’s a good idea to incorporate balance exercises into your fitness routine… even if it’s just a few minutes a day.

In today’s video, I share two balance exercises you can use to help improve and/or maintain your balance.  Take a moment to watch the video and then try the exercise that fits your level of fitness.

Here’s to a long and balanced life!

Shared with Love,
Jennifer Ledford


Two simple exercises for good balance


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