- Don’t waste your time stressing about things you cannot control.
- Learn from and let go of the past, plan for the future, and live in the present.
- Trust God, He really does know what’s best for you.
- Don’t waste time dating jerks no matter how good looking they might be.
- Marry well (thank goodness I did).
- Trials will come and they will make you stronger.
- Diets suck. Focus on eating well, enjoying your life, and preserving your health.
- It’s ok to have fun but skip the drugs and avoid the hangovers.
- Never forget who you are or try to copy someone else.
- Speak less and listen more.
- Share your smile often.
- Be a giver.
- Manage your money well and don’t be afraid to make plenty of it. It will allow you to be self sufficient and help people in need.
- Don’t let other people’s opinions stop you from being yourself or fulfilling your destiny.
- Spend time with your elders and listen to their stories. You are going to miss some of them when they are gone.