Strengthen and Stabilize With This One Move

I’m a huge fan of exercises that strengthen your muscles and help improve stability. You only have so much time to exercise. Exercises that move multiple body parts (functional) are not only a great way to save time, they are usually going to serve you better when it comes to every day life and how your body functions. In today’s video I demonstrate the Reverse Lunge performed with a Single Arm Bicep Curl. This move will challenge your core stability while strengthening and toning your muscles.

Click below to watch the video and make it a great week!


P.S. This exercise is not intended to be a substitute for anything a medial professional has prescribed you. It is recommended that you consult a physician prior to starting a new exercise routine. 🙂

Add Variety To Your Leg Routine With This Squat Exercise

Add Variety To Your Leg Routine With This Squat Exercise by Jennifer Ledford

If you exercise regularly, it’s easy to get into the routine of doing the same set of exercises every time.  I’ll be the first one to tell you that doing the same exercises every time you workout will always be better than doing nothing at all. However, there is something to be said for adding a bit of variety to your workout routine.

Adding new activities to your routine can challenge your muscles, your nervous system, and your brain.  One of the easiest ways to challenge yourself physically and mentally is to move the body in multiple directions during a workout.

Adding Variety To Your Squats

In today’s video I demonstrate how to move “side to side” while performing squats.  I’ve added some upper body work as well.  It’s a simple exercise that helps tone and strengthen the legs, glutes, back, and abs.  That’s a lot of return for a small investment of your time!

Enjoy the video and have a great week!

Shared with Love,
Jennifer Ledford



Add Variety To Your Lower Body Routine With Side Lunges

How To Perform Side Lunges - Jennifer Ledford

We’ve heard it said that “variety is the spice of life.”  When it comes to strength training, a variety of different exercises helps you to build overall body strength, avoid boredom, maintain agility, and prevent injury.  A well rounded strength routine usually includes some exercises that require you to move laterally.

If you haven’t been doing much lateral movement, please do not worry!  I’ve got you covered.

How To Perform Side Lunges

In today’s short video I demonstrate how to perform side lunges.  These can be performed anywhere and do not require any equipment.  No gym membership is required.  🙂

Use these exercises to help you stay strong and toned this summer and add some variety to your routine.  If you think a friend would appreciate the video please feel free to pass it along.  The more people focusing on health and fitness the better!

Here’s to a fit and healthy week!

With Love,

Click here to watch more exercise & healthy lifestyle videos