If I Skip Meals Will I Lose Weight?

Woman is Hungry Dieting

Does your new year’s resolution have you tempted to skip meals to lose weight? If so, you’re not alone. It’s very common for people to experiment by skipping meals to accelerate their weight loss — especially in January after the holiday festivities!

It’s no secret that you must cut and/0r burn calories to lose weight. And, while skipping meals may produce quick weight loss in the beginning, the reality is, the long term results of a “starvation” type diet can be devastating.

Four Reasons not to skip meals!

1)  Slows down your metabolism. When you skip meals, your body goes into “starvation” mode. This causes the body to slow the metabolism for survival and use less calories throughout the day. That’s the last thing you want when you are trying to lose weight!

2)  Unsustainable! Skipping meals to lose weight does not create habits that will help maintain your weight loss for good. It actually does the opposite. Once you’ve lost the weight and begin eating normally again, you will most likely gain all of the weight back. In many cases more than you started with!

3)  Harmful to your health! Skipping meals deprives your body of the fuel it needs to operate properly. It affects your blood sugar, which will cloud your thinking and cause fatigue. People who skip meals are usually robbing their body of essential nutrients and can experience a weakened immune system as well as other negative side effects.

4)  Causes Overeating! When you allow yourself to get overly hungry, you are more likely to overeat and/or binge. This will cause you to consume more calories than you normally would in one sitting, sabotaging all of your efforts to cut back.

Lose weight the smart way!

1)  Knowledge is key! Start by figuring out how many calories you need to cut out in order to reach your goal. Use an app like loseit to calculate what you consume versus how much you burn. Once you determine the deficit, you can decide each day what changes you want to make.

2)  Make a plan! The best way to lose weight permanently is to create a healthy eating plan and an exercise routine you can stick to.

A healthy (balanced) eating plan is usually a combination of three larger meals (aka breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with two snacks in between. Depending on what time you eat dinner, an evening snack may be needed as well. Don’t go to bed hungry!

Here’s an example of a balanced approach to a healthy eating plan:

  • Breakfast 400 calories
  • Snack 200 calories
  • Lunch 400 calories
  • Snack 200 calories
  • Dinner 400 calories
  • Total calories 1600.
This is for sample purposes. You’ll want to calculate your own total. You may discover you need more than 1600 calories depending on how active you are or how much exercise you plan on doing.

Skipping meals may seen enticing in the beginning, but long term success comes from a more balanced approach.  Besides, a balanced approach should sound a whole lot more fun and realistic to you than being hungry all the time.

Please let me know if you have any questions by commenting below! I am here to help you succeed!










Lose Weight For Good By Creating A Healthy Lifestyle

Have you struggled with losing weight, staying on a diet, or sticking to an exercise program? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Forty five million Americans diet each year. We spend a whopping $1-2 billion per year on weight loss programs. Yet, Americans are still struggling to lose weight and keep it off for good.

A 95% Failure Rate!


So why aren’t these weight loss plans working? The answer is simple. Diets have a 95% failure rate and new research is telling us that exercise without nutritional intervention shows minimal to no weight loss either.

I am not here to discourage you. However, I want you to know the truth because the media tries to sell you a bunch of garbage and hype around health and fitness on a daily basis.

Now for the good news!


The way you lose weight and keep it off for good is by creating a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is created by adopting a healthy habit one step at a time. Once a habit becomes as natural as brushing your teeth, it has become a part of your lifestyle and is very hard to break. It’s simple. However, it does take effort.

The top habits for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle!


1) Baby Steps.  It’s important to remember that this is a journey for life and not a sprint. Be conservative when setting weight loss goals.  Under-promise and over-deliver to yourself. One habit will lead to another, which leads to weight loss and management you couldn’t even imagine existed. To learn more about setting successful weight loss goals, read Baby Steps Lead to Permanent Weight Loss.

2) Meal Plan.  If you want to guarantee your success and remove the stress, then plan! In the beginning you may think you just don’t have time. Meal planning will save you time and is a critical part of successful weight loss. Not sure how to meal plan for weight loss? Refer to Meal Planning Helps You Lose Weight for  an easy step by step guide.

3)  Eat Out Smart. I encourage you to eat out and enjoy a great meal. Unfortunately, eating out often can sabotage your weight loss efforts! The average American eats out 4-5 times per week. Eating out this often can add an additional 670 calories to your weekly consumption. That’s an extra 10 lbs per year!

Eating out used to be a treat when I was growing up. However, with today’s fast paced lifestyles and global business market, it has become a major part of our diet. If it’s impossible for you to avoid eating out you, can avoid gaining weight if you follow some simple guidelines.

Start off by using sites like healthydiningfinder.com. Type in your current location and review the nutritional information for restaurants in the area. Or, try an on line app if your restaurant is not listed. Most apps will have general guidelines for restaurant meals. Stick to lower calorie meals and beverages that have little to no calories  unless it’s a special occasion.

4) Ignore the outside chatter! Stick to what works for you. There will always be some new diet or pill, a well-meaning friend, and Lord knows the magazines waiting to tell you that your plan is not ambitious enough. Or, that their way is better. My favorite is the person posing and asking “don’t you want to look like me?”

Now, I’m not saying to be closed-minded on a better way of doing things. I’m saying you should always question if a health or fitness idea fits into your life and values.

5)  Speak Success! Tell your body what you want, not what you don’t want. When you look in the mirror, use phrases like “I am losing weight,” or “I have a flat stomach.”  In the beginning this can be tough. You tend to think “you are lying.” However, you are not. In my favorite success book, The Bible, it says “speak as if it is already.” This is called faith my friend! You are believing you can accomplish your goals!

Negative thoughts will enter your mind. That’s normal. You’re human! Just don’t let them leave your lips. Replace each negative thought with a positive statement. If that’s tough in the beginning, use one of my favorite personal quotes. If you don’t have anything nice to say about yourself, don’t say anything at all. You wouldn’t say something that mean to a friend, so why say it to yourself?

Leave notes around the house as reminders to speak positively about yourself. This will help you build the mental muscles you will need to make success talk a habit.

6)  Don’t Quit! One of the number one reasons people fail is they give up. They don’t see results fast enough so they quit. Consistency is key. Use your “baby steps” to create healthy habits that you are able to maintain long term.

These really are the secrets to my clients and my own personal success with personal weight loss. As you can see, there is nothing exceptional about them. You just have to get started and stick to it. I believe in you and I know you can do it!

Have a question or healthy habit you’d like to share? Please leave a comment below. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

With love,








Baby Steps Lead To Permanent Weight Loss

Don’t Let Overwhelm Sabotage Your Weight Loss Goals


Losing weight can seem overwhelming when you’re first getting started. Dropping pounds and keeping them off for good requires lifestyle changes. It takes time to create new habits and discover what works for you.

I recommend starting off with baby steps. Avoid biting off more than you can chew as  this can result in failure and lead to depression.

Five Tips to Banish Weight-loss Overwhelm:


1)  Get Started! Pick one thing you know you can implement right away. For example, one of my relatives set a goal to stop eating at fast food restaurants. She lost 20 pounds without exercise!

Research is showing that being consistent with one healthy habit creates a desire to do more healthy things for our bodies. This creates a snowball effect. Before you know it, you’ve lost weight without even trying!

The most important thing to do is to choose one healthy goal and stick to it.

It’s also important to be realistic about your time when choosing what your healthy goal will be. Pick something you know you can do 5 to 6 days per week. You’re more likely to create a long term habit by walking 15 minutes per day six days a week, than if you walk for an hour two times per week.

3)  Pick things you enjoy. It’s much easier to stick to something you like. If you like to get outside, try going for a walk very day.  Like to cook?  Start replacing your traditional fare with the lower calorie version of the recipe. Do you eat out often? Get a free calorie counting app to start tracking the food in the restaurants you frequent to help make lower calorie choices.

4)  Be committed. Once you’ve determined your new goal, stick to it! It takes a minimum of 21 days to create a habit. However, after being a fitness trainer for over 22 years I’ve learned it takes about six months for it to become second nature.

Don’t be alarmed if you fall off track from time to time. It means you’re human. The trick is to get right back up again and start over! Over time your healthy habit will strengthen and falling off track will become rare.

If you find you’re continually falling off track, you may need to readjust. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Is it too lofty of a goal for this time in my life?
  • Do I like the exercise I chose?
  • Has something changed in my life?

This is a great way to evaluate the need for a goal change.  Permanent weight loss is a journey not a sprint.

The most important thing I want you to remember is to find healthy habits you can stick to. If you have to change goals it doesn’t mean you’ve failed.  It means you are being realistic!

5)  Don’t compare. This one can be tough! You are on your own personal weight loss journey. Avoid comparing yourself to others that are losing weight quicker than you. They could be using an unhealthy fad diet, using an exercise routine that’s not right for you, or simply have more time to commit to their exercise routine.

There’s no harm in asking what their secret is. But before you add anything new to your health and fitness lifestyle, make sure it’s compatible with your own personal goals and desires. Don’t allow anyone (including the media) to pressure you into how you should live and what you should look like.

We are all at different places in our journey of health and fitness. The most important thing is long term success! Slow and steady wins the race to permanent weight loss. Stick to your baby steps and you will be amazed at how far you will go!

Have a question or like to share an idea? Please leave a comment below! It’s great to hear from you!

