How To Avoid Weight Gain During Stressful Times


A common problem that I witness in the fitness industry is weight gain during seasons of high stress.  This usually comes from a combination of higher caloric intake, and a reduction of exercise.  However, in some cases it can be the result of a client not eating enough food and their metabolism slows due to the starvation mode their body is experiencing.  Lack of sleep and dehydration are other culprits that can play a part as well.

If you have a pulse it’s pretty difficult to avoid periods of higher-than-usual stress in your life. Stress can come in negative forms but it can come in positive forms as well.  For instance, a new promotion at work is usually a great thing, but it can come with higher demands that require some adjustments to manage the new responsibilities.

Since most of us will deal with a high stress period at some point in our life, the big question is how do you get through it without gaining a bunch of weight?  Let me help prepare you with a few  simple tips.

Beware of the “who cares” mode.  “Who cares” mode can be a slippery slope.  When we are dealing with serious issues or managing busy seasons, it can be tempting to eat foods that we think will comfort emotions and are easy to grab quickly.

During high stress periods it’s really important that you fuel your body properly.  Your immune system may already be compromised by the stress, so eating healthy is super important.  Do your best to pack lunches.  Stick to balanced meals that include complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, fruits, and lots of vegetables.  Keep healthy snacks close by and drink plenty of water.

If eating out frequently is a must (sometimes you have no choice), then do your best to pick the healthiest things on the menu.  You’ll be happy you did when you have the energy to carry on.

Pay attention to how you reward yourself.  I’ve seen this happen when clients are working especially hard on a project.  This can range from starting a new business, running the PTA fundraiser, or any other big event or business deal that comes to mind.  The client is working so hard that they feel they deserve a giant bowl of ice cream every night.

There is nothing wrong with celebrating accomplishments and I have no issues with ice cream!  However, when rewarding with food or beverages it should be practiced in moderation.  A nightly high-calorie reward can potentially cause weight gain.  Alternative rewards like a movie, a fun outing, something that contributes to a hobby, or a new outfit can be just as fun and will offer positive feelings for a much longer time than most food experiences will.

Keep your freezer stocked.  Keep a stash of frozen foods that are good for you and you enjoy eating.  Add them to your next shopping list and make sure to replenish them from time to time. I’ve stopped counting how many times we have avoided takeout because we had an organic pizza in the freezer and I made a quick salad to go with it.  Foods like pizza, wild caught fish sticks with baked french fries, frozen vegetables, and leftovers that you have frozen can all be life savers during times of high stress.

Order out the healthy way.  There are services available like Munchery that will allow you to order meals the same day.  Companies like Safeway and Whole Foods Market  are now delivering groceries.  Ordering online will allow you to plan your meals and avoid impulse buying in the restaurant or at the store.  The closer you can stick to your regular meal plan, the better!

I hope and pray that you and your loved ones avoid as much high stress in your lives as possible. However, the tips I mention above can help you stay healthy if you find yourself in a season that demands a lot of from you.

Shared with much love,

Jennifer Ledford

P.S.  If you have a great tip on managing stress or a question, I’d love to hear from you.  Please leave your tip or question in the comment section below!  🙂

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