Five Basic Tips to Help You Lose Weight This Fall

Young woman at autumn forest

For many people Labor Day usually means that summer is coming to an end.  The kids go back to school (if they haven’t already returned), the air gets crisper, and the light begins to change. And even if you live in a place that stays a little warmer (like parts of my home state of California), the new fall season usually means a much busier or, at the very least, a different schedule.

A shift in schedule can potentially derail your weight loss goals if you let it. I’ve put together some simple guidelines on how to stay on track while adjusting to the new season.


1) Plan.  Fall usually means a more set routine. This can be used for your benefit to help you lose weight. Pull out your calendar and determine when you have time for exercise, meal planning, and healthy meal preparation. Write these activities in like like any other important appointment.

Avoid biting off more than you can chew. Look at your calendar before saying yes to extra projects. If saying yes will interfere with your weight loss goals, you may want to take a pass for now.

2) Brown bag it. Breakfast is key to successful weight loss. If time is tight in the mornings, a healthy egg sandwich or smoothie are easy to eat on the go. Do your best to eat by 9:00 am, and no later than 10:00.

Pack lunches and have healthy snacks on you at all times. No matter what your day looks like, busy and hungry are a dangerous combination for weight loss. By planning ahead, you’ll have more control over the food you eat.

And if you are shuttling kids, pack snacks to have on hand. Not only will it contribute to their good health, it will save you time as well.

3) Order out.  After looking at your schedule, you may realize that cooking some nights will be a stretch. Let someone else do the cooking for you! Order healthy pre-made meals from companies like Munchery or Spoon Rocket.

4) Get creative.  If your normal exercise time is conflicting with your child’s activity or sport, go for a walk while you are waiting for them. One of my clients decided to get a low-cost membership at the gym across the street from her daughter’s dance class. She’s going to run on the treadmill while her daughter is taking class. Another option would be to see if there was an adult class to try during her daughter’s class.

Early morning and lunch time workouts are a great way to sneak exercise into the day. This strategy helps you avoid missing workouts due to evening interruptions such as working late.

5) Create a fit lifestyle.  One of the reasons people are so much more active in the Summer is all of the fun outdoor activities that are available. That doesn’t have to end just because it’s Fall. Like the beach or hiking? Bundle up and take a walk. Personally, I think Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of year!

Choose active recreation on the weekends to counter the less active time during the week. Recreational activities are a great cross-trainer if you are doing more formal gym workouts during the week. Try turning off screens (computers, TV, phones, etc. ) as much as possible on the weekends!

All it takes is a little bit of planning. Fall is a great time to meet your weight loss/management goals. Embrace this time of year and all of the fullness it brings!


Seven Easy Ways To Exercise During The Holidays

Finding yourself struggling to squeeze in exercise during the holiday season? You’re normal! The good news is it doesn’t have to be a struggle for you. There are plenty of easy ways to work exercise into your day during the holidays.

Seven Easy Ways to Exercise During the Holidays

1)  Shopping! Walking while you shop is a great way to exercise during the holidays. To get the most out of a shopping trip, try taking breaks and bringing your packages back to the car in between stores. Consider wearing a pedometer to help motivate you to take those extra steps.

2)  Baking! Standing burns more calories than sitting, so working in the kitchen counts. Make sure to avoid the temptation to taste test too often. Have a low cal snack nearby to keep you from being too tempted.

3)  Deck the halls! Hauling boxes out of the attic and putting up decorations indoors and outdoors is a great way to get festive while logging your exercise minutes for the day.

4)  Cleaning! You may not be able to make that circuit class, but you know you have to clean the house before guests arrive. No worries! Cleaning house counts as lifestyle exercise. Turn on some music and keep a steady pace going to maximize caloric burn. Just don’t forget to take water breaks!

5)  Get some fresh air! Step outside and go for a walk.  Even if it’s just a short one. Something is always better than nothing!

6)  Let it snow! Fun in the snow isn’t just for down hill skiers. Snow shoeing, cross country skiing, walking, sledding, ice skating, and hiking, are all examples of ways you can have fun outdoors while getting your exercise.

Invite family and friends to join you for outdoor activities. This will help you combine family and/or social time with exercise. Don’t be afraid to go solo if you don’t have any takers. Recreation alone can be used as relaxing time you spend on your own.

7)  Listen to your mother! Seriously, standing up straight burns more calories than slouching. For an extra workout try keeping your stomach muscles tight while standing. Take advantage of moments like waiting in line or standing at a cocktail party to work those stomach muscles!

Take the pressure off of yourself. Shoot for 30 minutes per day total. Every minute counts at the end of the week. Studies have actually shown that people that took 3 ten minute walks per day showed an improvement in blood pressure because they were moving more often throughout the day.

Please understand, I’m not suggesting you quit your current exercise routine if you exercise longer than ten minutes. What I’m saying is the more you move throughout the day, the more you benefit. Take advantage of every opportunity you get to move your body. Whether it’s part of a formal exercise routine, or shoveling snow in your front driveway.

The most important thing is to have fun this holiday season!

Blessings to you and yours!



How To Find Exercise You Like

Is exercise guilt haunting you?

Find it hard to motivate yourself to stick to your routine? Or, maybe you are feeling guilty about blowing off your workout for another activity you enjoy more. If you are struggling with your exercise routine, maybe it’s not right for you.

There are many ways to exercise. Unfortunately, formal and more restrictive workouts have been promoted as the way to get the fittest, healthiest, and best looking body.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Have you ever noticed how fit most surfers, horseback riders, or hikers look? These are examples of people who use recreation to stay fit. They usually spend very little time on formal exercise — just enough strength training per week to keep them in top shape for what they truly enjoy — their sport!

Choosing activities that are more recreational in nature is really good for your body. Recreational activities tend to move the body in more natural ways than some of the more formal “workouts” in the gym. Moving your body in a sport-like manner serves the purpose of improving function in your every day lifestyle activities.

So, while you are having fun and burning calories, you are actually improving your functional fitness as well.  Functional fitness is really important because it trains your body for “real life” situations.

Find exercise you like — the best exercise for you!

1) Ask yourself what you  enjoy. What do you like to do that’s physical? Give YOUR answer. Avoid saying what you think your friends or personal trainer wants to hear. It’s usually something you either did in the past or have a desire to try. I’ve had clients tell me everything from paint ball to line dancing. The most important thing is finding something physically active you will do consistently.

2)  What do you REALLY want? So often we let the media influence us to think we should look like the model on the cover of a magazine. Remember, they get paid for it. While most of us love our work, we all have a “chore” that we endure because it’s part of our job, or part of creating a better product. This is the same for celebrities. Many of them look at their formal workout as “part of the job.”

Copying another person’s life isn’t very motivating! Try different things and see what you gravitate towards. What exercise makes you feel the most energized? Evaluate anything that feels like a chore to see if it’s worth doing.

3)  Just go for it! The most important thing is that you get moving. No matter what you choose, if you know you can stick to it than it is the right exercise for you. The ideal exercise program will feel more recreational in nature and less formal.

4)  Do not feel guilty! We all have that friend that does marathons or bike rides 100 miles. That’s great! They’re wired that way! Do NOT feel guilty that your idea of “working out”is a stroll around the waterfront and picking up a coffee. Focus on your own health and fitness goals and be a cheerleader for them. That type of intense activity is not for everyone.

It’s important to remember that it doesn’t matter what the latest and greatest workout fad promises. The best workout for you is the one you will actually do. Finding something you enjoy — or can at the very least stay consistent with is key.

I encourage you to get creative. Step outside the box and have some fun!

Have an exercise routine that you enjoy and would like to share? Please comment below! I enjoy hearing from you!

