Relieve Stress With Outdoor Exercise

Exercising in the Rain

Years ago I switched from being a “gym rat” to an outdoor exerciser. I remember it well. I looked around at the fluorescent lighting and the hamster wheels (“cardio” equipment) and said to myself “I’m done!”

I know what you’re thinking. You’re a personal trainer. That’s not possible.

Please don’t get me wrong. Gyms are a great place to exercise and I am a huge fan of indoor cardio equipment — especially when it is raining! I just realized that I live in California. The weather is great most of the time. And, what the heck was I doing inside exercising?


At the time, I had overworked and over-trained myself and was dealing with low energy as well as depression. I wasn’t up for super intense workouts so I left the gym and started walking my dogs every night.

The transformation was amazing! I got my energy back — and my enthusiasm. I also realized that you do not have to beat your body to a pulp in a gym to be fit.

I realize that not everyone is where I was at. However, from time to time stress can show up in our lives and outdoor activity is a powerful way to help manage it.


A recent review of studies published in Environmental Science & Technology that focused on “outdoor exercise” discovered that physical activity in natural areas decreases the risk of mental illness and improves one’s sense of well-being.

Here’s what the researchers found:

Two out of three participants said they had improved self-esteem.
Two out of three people had improved mood.
Three out of four people felt less depressed, tense and angry.
It gets better. The study found that just five minutes a day does the trick!

The study also revealed that exercising in natural environments was associated with greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement, as well as decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression.

Participants also reported greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activity and stated that they were more likely to repeat the activity at a later date.

This may explain why walking is still the number one exercise of choice for Americans. We like to be active and outdoors. Even more important, we tend to exercise more consistently when it is outdoors.


Walk at lunch
Walk after dinner
Play in the park with your kids
Take a hike
Walk on the beach
Try light jogging
Play a sport
Walk your dog

If you already exercise outdoors, you are benefiting in multiple ways. If you are just getting started, begin with five minutes of outdoor exercise to improve psychological well-being. Work up to twenty minutes and you have now created an exercise routine.

You will get more value from consistent shorter bouts than inconsistent hour-long workouts.

If you really like the gym that’s totally ok, please do not stop going!  I have no desire for you to change something that is working for you.  However, you many want to consider cross training with some outdoor activities. It doesn’t have to be formal exercise. Just being outdoors is what matters!

With so much positive research behind outdoor activity, I encourage you to get creative with your exercise routine. Try new activities. Visit new beaches and parks. Turn off the screens and get outside!

Let me know what you come up with. I love to hear from you!


Proper Rest Helps You Lose and Maintain Your Weight

With today’s fast paced lifestyle, rest can often seem like more of a luxury than a necessity. But, did you know that proper rest is critical to permanent weight loss?  When I say “rest,” I’m not just talking about sleep. I’m talking about resting your mind as well.

Here’s how lack of rest makes you fat.

Without proper rest, you become fatigued and lose enthusiasm and energy. You may become overwhelmed, leading to emotional paralysis. In turn, this will interfere with physical activity. Your mind will search for an escape such as sitting in front of the TV with a bag of cheese puffs. Or, another common statement I hear is, “My subconscious thinks I deserve that giant bowl of ice cream because I have been working so hard.” Soon you will see the needle on the scale creep up slowly but surely.

Maybe you know you have been burning the candle at both ends. You’re thinking, “yeah, but this is just temporary.”

The human body can handle about three months of being in the pressure cooker and then you need to back off and get your balanced life back. If three months is what you mean when you say temporary, you can probably get away with it and plan a vacation for when you are finished. If temporary has no end in sight, you are at risk of weight gain and serious health issues.

When I first started my personal training business, I was working about 60 to 70 hours per week. It was a thrill in the beginning. However, over time I began to “burn out.” I became overwhelmed and depressed. So depressed I didn’t even want to get out of bed. My health began to deteriorate. The good news is, it forced me to cut back on my hours. That was the best thing I ever did for my mental, spiritual, and physical health.

Here are six tips for proper rest and life balance.

1)  Take a long weekend! Schedule a long weekend with your spouse every three months. Do this if you are single as well. Unplug from technology. Choose somewhere that you can drive to and avoid airport hassles, which would interrupt your relaxation. If budget is an issue, try camping or a staycation — and act like you are out of town. If you have kids, ask another couple if they would like to trade weekends with you and watch each others’ children.

2)  Evaluate! Write your top five to ten life priorities in order of importance. Then, look at your calendar and see how much time is being devoted to each. Is there a balance? Is there something that should be put on hold for awhile? Depending on what that list looks like currently, that may even include formal workouts and temporarily switching to lifestyle activity for your exercise. You can learn how to add lifestyle activity into your day with Lose Weight Living Your Life.

3)  Get help! Outsource tasks. If you are trying to be a do it yourselfer for everything, it doesn’t allow much time for rest. For example, you can hire a business assistant, pay a teenager to mow your lawn, assign chores to your children, and have your car washed professionally. This will open up time for your priorities.

4)  Get some exercise! If you are lacking rest, moderate exercise can help you sleep. However, this is not the time to attend boot camp style workouts. Moderate activity such as lifestyle exercise, walking, and light strength training is more appropriate. This is called active rest. You are still moving and burning calories. However, your body is not being over stressed either.

5)  You have permission to pamper yourself! Get a massage, a manicure, a facial; play golf, or go to a spa — whatever small time out you can take that rejuvenates you! Make sure it’s on your calendar. I get a manicure/pedicure every three weeks, and spend the day in the city getting my hair done every six weeks. These little treats help me rest and relax.

6)  Find water! There’s something about water that feeds your mind, spirit, and soul. Maybe that’s why so many singers write songs about escaping to an island or the coast. When I want to relax, I head to the beach or a lake. A pool works as well. Schedule a weekly swim, or plan a full day at your local beach or lake. You’ll come home renewed!

I’ve shared my personal strategies for getting rest and leading a balanced life. Use this list and feel free to add to it. Get creative! I’d like to hear your personal favorites for rest and relaxation.  Let me know by leaving a comment below. I really enjoy hearing from you!

To your health!



A Healthy Body Image Is Key to Permanent Weight Loss


Are you searching for some encouraging words on body image? I found a great quote by Oprah Winfrey.  It is such a powerful statement that I want to share it with you and discuss the importance of a healthy self image.

“Say bye-bye to feeling bad about your looks!”


“Say bye-bye to feeling bad about your looks.  Are you ready to stop colluding with a culture that makes so many of us feel physically inadequate? Say goodbye to your inner critic, and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others.

This is a call to arms. A call to be gentle, to be forgiving, to be generous with yourself. The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the story line that says you’re too fat or too sallow, too ashy or too old, your eyes are too small or your nose too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step toward transforming your experience of the world.”

I agree wholeheartedly with Oprah that we have actually allowed the media to make us feel inadequate. We have succumbed to unhealthy diets — and sometimes painful exercise just to “fit in”.

I believe that you were uniquely designed. Some of us are thinner than others. I also believe it is perfectly normal to exercise and eat right so you look great in a bathing suit — or getting those “guns” to look good in a t-shirt. However, not everyone has the time or the desire to look like a model on the cover of a fitness magazine.

Interestingly enough, an unhealthy body image does not discriminate. This type of self-loathing can occur for any body size. When I was a size two, I was never satisfied with my looks. Now, I’m a size 6-8 with lots of curves and I love the way I look. Am I motivated by vanity? Sure I am.  However, I am no longer a slave to it. I exercise, eat healthy, and focus on living a balanced life.

A poor self-image sabotages your weight loss.


An unhealthy body image leads to yo-yo dieting, over training, and unhealthy eating patterns. These patterns can actually cause weight gain. Yo-yo dieting and over training can actually cause your metabolism to slow down. Being unhappy with your body can cause binge eating which will destroy your hard work. At this point, guilt can set in which may lead to depression and often times more binging.

What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror? Years ago a fellow fitness coach used the phrase “watch your words, your body’s listening!” That forever stuck with me. When you speak negatively about yourself, your subconscious accepts the information as truth.

And, since the brain “fights to be right,” your subconscious will automatically want to carry out what you said about yourself. If you say “I have a big gut,” then your brain will agree. You will do what it takes to maintain that “big gut.” This is not just ooky-spooky hocus pocus. This has been proven by neurologists!

You can develop and maintain a healthy body image — here’s how:


1)  Discover what you want! Take time to write what you want your health and body to look like — not how the media says you should look. Research what it would take to accomplish these goals. Then decide if your goals are realistic and mirror the life you desire. Not everyone wants to be at the gym five days a week. 

Once you have a reasonable set of health and fitness goals, ignore the outside chatter. There will always be some new diet or pill, a well-meaning friend, and Lord knows the magazines waiting to tell you that your plan is not ambitious enough. Or, that their way is better. My favorite is the person posing and asking “don’t you want to look like me?”

Now, I’m not saying to be closed-minded on a better way of doing things. I’m saying you should always question if a health or fitness idea fits into your life and values.

2)  Speak Success! Tell your body what you want, not what you don’t want. When you look in the mirror, use phrases like “I am losing weight,” or “I have a flat stomach.”  In the beginning this can be tough. You tend to think “you are lying.” However, you are not. In my favorite success book, The Bible, it says “speak as if it is already.” This is called faith my friend! You are believing you can accomplish your goals!

Negative thoughts will enter your mind. That’s normal. You’re human! Just don’t let them leave your lips. Replace each negative thought with a positive statement. If that’s tough in the beginning, use one of my favorite personal quotes. If you don’t have anything nice to say about yourself, don’t say anything at all. You wouldn’t say something that mean to a friend, so why say it to yourself?

Leave notes around the house as reminders to speak positively about yourself. This will help you build the mental muscles you will need to make success talk a habit.

3)  Birds of a feather flock together! Pay attention to how your friends talk about their own bodies. Do they have a healthy self-image, or do they tend to put themselves or others down? Now I’m not suggesting you dump all your friends. Sometimes we need to examine if a relationship is healthy for us or not. If you notice friends putting themselves down, take the opportunity to respond with positive attributes you can point out about them. This practice will help you do the same for yourself. And, you will discover people just can’t seem to get enough of you!

A healthy self-image is critical to losing weight and maintaining it without having to be a slave to dieting. This is powerful my friend. Take it seriously!

Have a question or a tip on  overcoming body image issues?  Please comment below. I want to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!
