Do You Know What’s Motivating You?

Jennifer Ledford Facebook Live Video - What Is Motivating You?

Desire, it’s what drives us to achieve worthy goals like being healthy and fit.

One of the most important questions I ask a client during a consultation is “what’s motivating you to exercise or change your eating habits?”  Based on my own personal fitness journey and my 27+ plus year experience coaching others I can honestly share with you that there are some really good reasons to want to lose weight and then there are some not so good reasons.

Too often people choose to lose weight for the wrong reasons which can lead to failure and even harm them physically and emotionally.  This breaks my heart because it DOES NOT have to be this way. 

If you desire to lose weight or you simply want to maintain your current weight, you should do it for your own health and happiness reasons, not because you think it will help you achieve unrealistic goals that are oftentimes set for you by the diet industry and sadly some of the fitness gurus.

In today’s video I help you to walk through the process of discovering what your motives are regarding weight loss and exercise and how you can make them work for you instead of against you.  🙂

Take a moment to watch the video.  You don’t want to miss this!

Have a happy and healthy week!

With Love,

How To Handle A Setback And Keep Moving Forward

How To Handle A Major Setback In Your Life by Certified Personal Trainer and Healthy Lifestyle Coach Jennifer Ledford

Life can be unpredictable at times.  We live in a less than perfect world which means we will all have to deal with some kind of trial or setback at some point and time.  Some trials just happen to be more difficult than others.

Last week I stepped on some uneven sidewalk walking home from a restaurant. One minute I was walking and holding my husband’s hand, the next minute I was on the ground writhing in pain.  I tried putting weight on it and was able to for a small amount of time but after awhile it became obvious I was not able to put any weight on it all.  The emergency room confirmed that my foot was indeed broken, put a splint on it, and referred me out to an orthopedic surgeon.

Over the years, my job as a personal trainer has allowed me to help more people than I can count recover from injuries.  I have had the opportunity to work under the direction of the specialists and the physical therapists.  My career has allowed me to learn quite a bit about the rehabilitation process so, when the doctors were explaining my injury, I had a pretty good idea of what I was facing.  This personal trainer, business owner, wife, home maker, and dog mom was not going to be able to put weight on her foot for several weeks.  Ugh!  Almost everything I do requires that I’m on my feet.

Fortunately, my husband is totally stepping up to the plate, we were able to get some help with the dogs right away, and we’ve had wonderful friends volunteer to help.  However, after about five days of trying to get around without putting weight on my left foot, I began to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and even a bit depressed.  The truth is this is a major interruption that is affecting many areas of my life.

Fortunately, as tempted as I was to feel sorry for myself and slip into pity party mode, I DID NOT allow myself to go there.  I admitted to myself and God that I was struggling and then took action steps to turn my mindset around and focus on what I can do rather than what I can’t do right now.

How To Handle A Setback In Any Area Of Your Life

In today’s video I share tips on how to handle a setback in any area of your life and continue moving forward toward your goals.  We can’t always control our circumstances in life.  We can, however, always control how we respond to them.

Enjoy the video.  I shot it right after a hair appointment so credit for the hair goes to John Ryan at Festoon salon.  🙂  And, if you think this video could bless someone else, please feel free to share it!

Make it a great week!

With Love,
Jennifer Ledford

Book mentioned in the video: Failing Forward


How to Curb Your Cravings Without Depriving Yourself

iStock_couple eatingsweets - cravings

Have you ever found yourself craving an entire bag of potato chips or a huge bowl of ice cream on a bad day?  Or, maybe some days seem harder than others to stick to your normal eating habits?  If so, you are NOT alone.

Research is showing us that controlling cravings is a lot less about will power and a lot more about creating new habits or in some cases addressing a nutritional deficiency.

Know What Your Cravings May Mean

If you’ve been finding it hard to satisfy your cravings, here’s what some of those cravings may mean and how you can curb them without feeling completely deprived.

    • Cravings for salty foods.  A craving for salty foods could mean that you are dehydrated or have a mineral or electrolyte imbalance.  It can also be caused by cutting back too much on your carb intake.  If you find yourself craving salty foods for no apparent reason, try drinking plenty of water and make sure that you are eating carbs with each of your meals.  Choose recipes with interesting spices and herbs to satisfy your craving for savory foods.  Add salted nuts to your diet.  Nuts make great snacks, taste great on salads, and work well in stir-frys.  Remember to pay attention to serving sizes which is usually around 1/4 cup or 16-18 nuts.  A small handful of nuts can go a long way.
    • Sugar cravings.  Research shows that a person can become physically addicted to sugar which means the more you eat, the more you want.  If you find yourself craving sugar often try grabbing a piece of fruit instead.  Deprivation can lead to binging so if sweets are one of your favorites it’s a good idea to incorporate them into your diet in moderation.  When you do decide to have a sweet treat avoid the artificially sweetened diet foods which can cause more intense cravings. Instead, eat small amounts of the real deal instead.  You are better off enjoying a piece of pie made from scratch or a 1/2 cup of real ice cream than you are eating  most processed desserts.
    • The late night snack.  Late night snacking can be triggered by a number of different things.  You may be over tired, justifiably hungry, or simply bored.  A lack of sleep can affect hunger controlling hormones so if you know you’ve been sleep-deprived, focus on getting at least 7.5  hours of sleep per night.  If you notice hunger pains in the evening and it’s been several hours since you’ve had dinner, you are probably hungry.  Eat a light snack that won’t interrupt your sleep.  If you’ve just eaten and you know you’ve been getting enough sleep you may be bored.  Try redirecting your attention to an activity unrelated to food.  Things like reading, stretching, organizing, folding laundry, or playing with a pet are all great ways to keep your hands busy doing something other than snacking.
    • When you’ve had a rough day.  There’s a valid reason you turn to Mom’s chocolate cake when you need a little pick me up on a bad day.  Eating “comfort foods” gives you a boost of serotonin and dopamine, which are feel-good transmitters that act like anti-depressants.  While it’s true that elevating your serotonin levels helps fight depression, turning to the sweets to elevate your serotonin levels may not be the best choice. You may feel great for a moment after eating a large piece of cake. However, when your blood sugar drops, you can go right back into the dumps and may experience guilt for sabotaging your weight loss goals.  Try experimenting with the lighter versions of comfort foods like a whole grain macaroni and cheese or berries with a small piece of dark chocolate on the side.  Or, turn to alternative sources of pleasure like taking a walk with your dog, enjoying a hot bath, or sipping on a glass of wine.

We all have food cravings from time to time. It’s knowing how to deal with them that will make or break our weight loss and/or management goals!

To your health and success!

Shared with love,
Jennifer Ledford