How To Handle A Setback And Keep Moving Forward

How To Handle A Major Setback In Your Life by Certified Personal Trainer and Healthy Lifestyle Coach Jennifer Ledford

Life can be unpredictable at times.  We live in a less than perfect world which means we will all have to deal with some kind of trial or setback at some point and time.  Some trials just happen to be more difficult than others.

Last week I stepped on some uneven sidewalk walking home from a restaurant. One minute I was walking and holding my husband’s hand, the next minute I was on the ground writhing in pain.  I tried putting weight on it and was able to for a small amount of time but after awhile it became obvious I was not able to put any weight on it all.  The emergency room confirmed that my foot was indeed broken, put a splint on it, and referred me out to an orthopedic surgeon.

Over the years, my job as a personal trainer has allowed me to help more people than I can count recover from injuries.  I have had the opportunity to work under the direction of the specialists and the physical therapists.  My career has allowed me to learn quite a bit about the rehabilitation process so, when the doctors were explaining my injury, I had a pretty good idea of what I was facing.  This personal trainer, business owner, wife, home maker, and dog mom was not going to be able to put weight on her foot for several weeks.  Ugh!  Almost everything I do requires that I’m on my feet.

Fortunately, my husband is totally stepping up to the plate, we were able to get some help with the dogs right away, and we’ve had wonderful friends volunteer to help.  However, after about five days of trying to get around without putting weight on my left foot, I began to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and even a bit depressed.  The truth is this is a major interruption that is affecting many areas of my life.

Fortunately, as tempted as I was to feel sorry for myself and slip into pity party mode, I DID NOT allow myself to go there.  I admitted to myself and God that I was struggling and then took action steps to turn my mindset around and focus on what I can do rather than what I can’t do right now.

How To Handle A Setback In Any Area Of Your Life

In today’s video I share tips on how to handle a setback in any area of your life and continue moving forward toward your goals.  We can’t always control our circumstances in life.  We can, however, always control how we respond to them.

Enjoy the video.  I shot it right after a hair appointment so credit for the hair goes to John Ryan at Festoon salon.  🙂  And, if you think this video could bless someone else, please feel free to share it!

Make it a great week!

With Love,
Jennifer Ledford

Book mentioned in the video: Failing Forward


Never Give Up: How To Stick To Your Goals And Dreams Long-Term

Obstacle - Man Jumping Over Word on Arrow - Never Give Up - Overcome Obstacles

My husband and I recently had some big breakthroughs at our house.  Major milestones have been reached and we’ve made it over some pretty big hurdles that we were climbing.  At times, I thought it might be easier to just go and climb Mt. Everest but I really don’t like being cold.

All humor aside, our success had nothing to do with being more special than anyone else.  A lot of it was due to our attitude.  We both agreed that quitting was not an option.  We knew that quitting would be way harder to deal with than the hard work and faith required to make it to the finish line.

Never Give Up

When it comes to long-term goals, staying consistent and avoiding the temptation to give up takes strength and determination.  I think that’s one of the reasons long-term goals can be tough to stick to, especially when things seem to be moving at a snail’s pace.  Patience can be a challenge which is why I’m so grateful for my faith in God’s promises and prayer.  It’s what keeps me going each and every day.

I don’t think anyone ever sets a goal or takes on a challenge with the intention of giving up.  However, I do think that setting goals that are unrealistic or not your own can be a recipe for failure.  When chasing your dreams and goals, here are some very important things to consider:

  • What’s motivating you?  Is it a strong desire in your heart or are you wanting acceptance from another person?  It’s okay to prove the world they were wrong about you as long as it’s something YOU want.
  • Go at your own pace.  Some people can aggressively lose weight and others need to take it at a steady pace of something like a half pound per week.  You need to find what works best for you and the season in your life.  This applies to any goal you set.
  • Do you have all of the information you need?  In other words, do you know what you need to do to succeed or do you need to hire a coach, read some books, take some lessons, etc.?
  • You don’t have to go it alone.  Do-it-yourself is great but there comes a time when you may need to delegate some of your responsibilities to others in order to reach your goals.  For example, having a housekeeper allows me time to meal plan and grocery shop which in turn helps our family stick to the goal of maintaining our weight.
  • Tell fear to take a hike!  Fear can rear its ugly head when you begin something new.  For some, it can be a fear of success and for others a fear of failure.  A combination of the two can show up as well.  It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when starting something new which can cause a fear of success because the workload may seem too intense.  Much like parenting or getting a new puppy, once you figure out your groove it gets easier and what  was once overwhelming will become natural to you overtime.  When fear or overwhelm pop up I remind myself of something that I’ve mastered and tell myself – that, over time, I’ll master the new goal as well.  This works well no matter what the root of the fear is.  Pep talks are a great thing!
  • You’re going to have to work for it.  It’s no secret that worthy goals require work and commitment.  That doesn’t mean you should overwork yourself or let it consume you. Balance is key to sustaining anything long-term.  Working hard means you’ll want to dedicate a consistent amount of time that you know you can realistically commit to your goal.
  • Don’t quit.  Resistance is normal when you are working toward a worthy goal or overcoming a trial in your life.  When you feel like quitting it usually means success is right around the corner.

Over the years I’ve learned that when you’ve been working on a goal or overcoming a challenge for an extended period of time it can almost seem surreal when it comes to pass and you make it to the finish line.  Some people like to celebrate.  I prefer to take a pause and sit on the beach with a glass of wine and watch the waves. When something has taken months and even years to accomplish, I just need a moment to breathe.  How you choose to celebrate your accomplishments is personal and you should take a moment to do so.  You earned it!

It’s also a good idea to avoid spending too much time celebrating the past.  I recommend that you set new goals shortly after any milestone you reach and focus your attention on the future.  For example, if you’ve lost weight then your new goal should be maintaining it.  This helps you to maintain your success and continue moving forward.  Life doesn’t always go as planned.  It is, however,  a lot easier to handle the bumps in the road when you have a destination in mind.

Here’s to a purpose-driven week and NEVER giving up on your goals and dreams!

With Love,