Meal Planning Helps You Lose Weight

Taking just thirty minutes a week to do one simple thing can help you lose a lot more weight.  You will be surprised at how easy it is! Done right it will eliminate stress, save you time, and even save you money!

Want to lose 12 pounds in two months like Carvel did? He only exercised three or four times a week, plus did this one simple thing.

Imagine if you did the same, but added extra workouts! Interested?

If you have this one habit, it will help you lose weight!

Do you like to eat out? I enjoy going out to eat about once a week.  I encourage you to go out and enjoy yourself as well. However, the average American eats out four to five times a week. Be encouraged if that’s you! What I have to tell you will have a huge impact in your weight loss!

See, every time you go out to eat you will most likely be consuming an unknown amount of calories and portion sizes. That can sabotage your weight loss goals. Want to know how to change that? The tips I’m giving you today are so easy you’ll wonder why no one ever told you!

Look, I totally get why people eat out often. After a long day at work, cooking dinner can sound daunting. It’s tempting to swing by your favorite take out joint or restaurant. Packing a lunch takes planning, so it seems much easier to hit the food court.

Why didn’t anyone tell me I could lose weight AND save money!

Would you believe me if I told you that meal planning can do that? Well, I wouldn’t lie to you. Not only that, but it helps you keep it off, and it eliminates stress!

The truth is meal planning is one of the key ingredients to weight loss without dieting. It’s how my household is able to enjoy eating the foods we like without gaining weight.

Does meal planning mean that you need to go to culinary school and become a chef?  No!

It does mean that you need to spend a little time up front before your week begins. By meal planning you actually save time and money. Eating out less and taking less trips to the store or restaurants cuts calories and grows your bank account.

Ready to get started? Here are 9 tips!

1)  Make a quick plan. Decide what you want to eat. Make a list of what you want to eat for dinner and lunch for the next seven days. Look at your calendar to see if you have any planned dinners, parties, or lunches when you will be eating out.

2) Get inspired! If you like to cook, try using light recipes from the web, cookbooks or magazines to inspire you. Cooking Light is my favorite. EatingWell is another option.  If cooking is new for you, pick the 20 minute recipes to start.

3) Make quick and delicious no cook meals! Rather not cook? Assemble prepared food that is fresh. Try things like a roasted chicken, pre-cooked rice and pre-washed lettuce for a salad. Add some frozen organic vegetables on the side.

4) Go frozen! Try frozen organic pizza with a salad. Be sure to pay attention to serving sizes. A healthy frozen pizza has fewer calories than restaurant pizzas.

5) Use leftovers for lunches, or make sandwiches and bring fruit. If you have freezer space, try cooking enough for four meals and freezing three of them for later in the month. You can literally do all of your cooking in one to three afternoons per week with this method.

6) Write it down! Once you’ve decided what you will eat for the week, make a shopping list and write everything down before you go to the store.

7) Plan party dishes in advance. If you need to bring a food dish to a party, decide ahead of time what you will bring. Choose a “light” version if you are cooking. The guests will love you for it. Add the ingredients to your list to save a trip to the store.

8)  Go ahead! Outsource!  You may discover that cooking every night is a challenge. If so, consider these great ideas:

  • Order meals from a company like The food is made fresh and delivered to your doorstep. Voila! Still saving time, calories, and money.
  • An in-house personal chef! If you think that is too expensive, do a little calculating. You may find it a lot less expensive than eating out. Imagine being able to order exactly what you want and have someone cook it in your home and freeze your meals for two to four weeks in advance? Of course you can search on Google, but the two best places to search are: USPCA and APPCA.

9)  Stay consistent!  Pick a day and time that works best for you to meal plan and do your shopping, ordering, etc. Put it on your calendar and treat it like any other important appointment.

Have you tried any of these tips? Please tell me about that, or share any other meal planning tips. I really love hearing from you!








Lose Weight Fast for Summer

Summer is around the corner and maybe you haven’t lost the weight that you vowed in January would be gone by now.

Rather than beating yourself up there’s no time like the present to kick it into high gear and get ready for that beach weather!

We all know that fad diets promising rapid weight loss have a 95% failure rate so I won’t even endorse that type of a program.  It’s not worth it to lose weight for a season just to have it return, or even worse gain more than you lost!

Below are some tips my clients have used successfully that you can use for the next 30 days to help you lose weight for summer.

There’s some bonus tips at the end to help you look your best when you don’t have much time to peel off the pounds.  So you want to read the entire article.

1) Exercise almost every day!  If your schedule permits do one workout six days per week.  Try an interval workout 2-3 times per week and alternate with more moderate activity on the rest of the days.

Choose a fun activity on your off day like a moderate hike, swim, taking your kids or dog to the park, or a stretch and release workout.

2) Eat in!  Cook at home for the next 30 days and bring your lunch.  Use light recipes from sources like EatingWell, Cooking Light, and Health magazine.

3) Avoid liquid calories for the next 30 days!  Try substituting alcohol, sodas, and other higher calorie drinks with water.  Try adding lemon or cucumber for some variation.

Sounds extreme?  Cut down to half or even a quarter of what you usually drink.  You can always go back to your normal consumption if you want to.

4) Cut back on dessert!  Desserts are usually loaded with calories.  If you have a sweet tooth try substituting with fruit or one piece of dark chocolate.

5) Wear the right clothes!  If you do not have a flattering summer wardrobe then go get one.  Buy a few pieces that look great on you and get a swim suit/trunks that you feel good in.

Go on line and research the best fit for your body type and the stores in your price range.

Get a really nice cover up for any areas you may be self conscious about.  This will allow you to feel less stressed and enjoy yourself.

6) Copy the movie stars!  If you are fair, consider a self-tanner or a professional spray tan before you hit the beach.  Tan skin shows off muscle tone creating a leaner appearance and can conceal cellulite as well!

Try this for the next 30 days and I know you will be pleasantly surprised.

Can’t even fathom doing all of the above?  Pick the things you can implement and avoid overwhelming yourself.

Sustainable weight loss without dieting is a journey and does not happen overnight. Give yourself credit for any progress you make before summer starts.

Above all, enjoy yourself this summer.  Never let the media tell you if you should be wearing a bathing suit or not.  Refuse to buy into that nonsense!

Please let me know if this has helped you in any way or if you have any questions on how to get swim suit ready!

Blessings to you and yours!





Five Easy Ways to Start Losing Weight Without Dieting

Woman is Hungry Dieting

  1. Avoid one of the biggest weight gain traps in your neighborhood! At least for now, stay clear of take out or restaurants for lunch and dinner on a weekly basis. Don’t stop eating out completely, however, the average American eats out 4-5 times per week. A group of nutritionists were given meals at various restaurants around the country. During the study it was discovered that even the nutritionists grossly underestimated the amount of calories in the meals. Between large portion sizes, and a lack of control of what goes in the food, the calories pack on fast. Simply brown bag it and cook at home six days a week for the next two months and you’ll watch your waistline get smaller and your wallet get fatter!

  2. Watch those temptations! Cut those daily trips to the coffee shop. Coffee shops are full of all kinds of calorie packed goodies. If you really need that pick me up, I understand. Either make it at home or stick to a good old-fashioned cup of coffee or espresso with a small amount of real creamer (not the flavored or processed stuff) or sugar (1 packet). Keep a healthy snack with you to enjoy with the coffee when on the go. Some ideas to have on hand in your office or car: fruit, healthy crackers, nuts (watch portion size), yogurt, etc.

  3. Hydrate! Research shows that when the body is dehydrated your liver has to work extra hard and slows down how you metabolize fat. One way to check is to make sure your urine is pale yellow to clear. General guidelines are to drink eight to twelve 8 oz glasses of water per day. Some of us need a bit more or less due to lifestyle and activity differences, so the color of your urine is key. You do not want it to look like light beer!

  4. Get enough sleep. There is a direct correlation between proper sleep (approximately 8 hours) and people that lose or maintain their weight.

  5. Add five minutes! If you are currently exercising, add an extra 5 minutes: 5 minutes x 6 days equals 30 minutes. That’s an entire workout for most people! What’s an extra five minutes?

There you go. These are five easy tips to start losing weight without dieting. The key is consistency. Most people drop off after two weeks, which is why they never really see much success. Consistent habits of some kind caused weight gain. It’s going to take consistent new habits to lose it and keep it off. If you have read along this far, you are most likely someone that can stick to it!

I’d love to hear from you. Tell me below if you have a trick that works for you, or ask me about a stumbling block that may be
holding you back.

To your health!
