How To Handle Overwhelm When It Pops Up

How To Handle Overwhelm When It Pops Up

Have you ever added something new to your life and felt overwhelmed?  If you have, you’re normal.  When you add something new to your daily routine, there is usually a period of adjustment and/or a learning curve that you need to go through to figure out what works for you.

In today’s video I talk about how to handle the feelings of overwhelm that can pop up when you add something new to your life.  From time to time we will all experience the pressures associated with growth in our lives or obtaining new goals.  The secret is to not allow the pressure to paralyze you and hold you back from achieving success.

Enjoy the video and have a fantastic week!

With Love,

How To Handle Overwhelm When It Pops Up


How To Create A Healthy Lifestyle

 Healthy Lifestyle Coach Jennifer Ledford

I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 26 years. Coaching people on how to stay fit and healthy is my passion and extremely rewarding. I really love seeing people thrive in every area of their lives.

However, there is a very superficial and at times even judgmental side to the fitness industry that can frustrate me as a professional and cause more harm than good to the public.

The fitness industry has a tendency to base a healthy lifestyle on how your body looks on the outside. Oftentimes, they show you images of air-brushed professionals that workout for a living. I’m not knocking their hard work and dedication but how you look on the outside is only one piece of the puzzle.

It’s important to avoid comparing yourself to others. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes and there is always a story behind the success.

In order to sustain a healthy lifestyle long-term it’s critical that you create a weight loss and /or management plan that helps you look and feel your best while allowing you to live a life that you enjoy.

Anything less than that will be VERY difficult to maintain.

In today’s video I share tips on how to maintain a healthy body image by focusing on being your own personal best and seeing yourself in a positive way.

How we think about ourselves determines how we act. And my desire for you is that you would see yourself as the wonderfully unique individual that you are designed to be.

To your optimal health and fitness!

With love,
Jennifer Ledford

Live In The Moment

Live In The Moment

Live In The Moment

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and Father’s Day!

Today’s message is straight from the heart.  It is without a doubt one of the most important videos I’ve ever sent you.  Please take a few minutes to watch it today and feel free to share it with anyone that you think may benefit from watching it.

Have a great week!

With Love,

The video appears correctly when played on our computer but not on here for some reason. It was flipped vertically to correct it, saved and re-uploaded but it still came out upside down – go figure! 😉 Do take a moment to watch it anyway as the message is really important!