Cooking Shortcuts To Help You Maintain Healthy Eating Habits

Eating at home is one of the key ingredients to maintaining a healthy diet. When you know what’s in your food, you have more control over the amount of calories and the quality of the food you consume.  However, with today’s fast paced lifestyles it can be difficult to carve out the time to cook.

Here are eight quick and easy cooking shortcuts for healthy eating.

These tips come straight to you from my personal kitchen! 

As a wife, homemaker, fitness coach, and doggie mom I have a limited amount of time I can spend in the kitchen.  Here are some shortcuts I use when following my favorite recipes:

1)  Use cookers that need no supervision! I use my rice cooker all week long. I make rice, quinoa and steamed vegetables in it. Slow cookers and crock pots serve the same purpose. While one part of the meal is cooking, you can prepare the rest. You can cook stew while you are at work, or run errands while the food is cooking.

2) Use pre-made sauces. I often substitute healthy pre-made sauces in recipes instead of making them from scratch. Organic pasta sauces, dips, and dressings are pretty easy to find in almost every grocery store.

For example, I make lamb burgers that call for a “raita” sauce. The recipe isn’t hard. However, Trader Joe’s sells a yoghurt cilantro sauce that works well in place of it. If you add up the time and cost of buying the ingredients and making the sauce, it is worth the $2.99 I paid for Joe’s version. Just be sure to check labels when buying pre-made sauces. Avoid partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. And be sure you recognize the ingredients!

3)  Speed up the veggies! Pre-washed and pre-cut organic vegetables are a great way to save time. Check the frozen section for a great variety as well. Frozen veggies are better than canned because they preserve more of the nutrients without preservatives.

4)  Prep well. Do all of your cutting, chopping, and mixing before you start cooking, including a side salad. This will save you time, and your meals will come together seamlessly.

5)  Recruit in-house! My husband and I have a lot of fun cooking together. We open a nice bottle of wine, turn on some music and enjoy quality time. The families I work with turn cooking into family time. The kids look forward to working in the kitchen, and mom and dad get to teach their children while getting a little help.

6)  Create a meal plan. Plan your meals one week in advance with the groceries in the house. If you have to stop at the store multiple times per week, you will lose a lot of time shopping. And this can tempt you to eat out. If you are not sure how to meal plan, check out Meal Planning Helps You Lose Weight for detailed steps.

7)  Have a back up! I always keep a few easy meals in our freezer and pantry just in case the day does not go as planned. Frozen organic pizzas and a fresh salad make a great last minute dinner. By making your own pizza, you have more control over the calories than if you went to the local pizzeria. Dry pasta and minced canned clams make an amazing linguini and clams dish. Add a salad on the side and your family will think it’s gourmet all the way!

8)  Buy freeze dried herbs!  Did you know freeze dried herbs become “like fresh” when they are moistened? Use these to avoid all of the chopping without sacrificing flavor. They are great in the winter when your herb garden isn’t producing, and it saves having to buy an entire bunch of herbs just for a couple tablespoons!

Please let me know which strategies are the most helpful, or share your own time saving tip below!





The Truth About Trans Fats

Last week I talked about why low fat diets don’t work. Check it out if you didn’t get a chance to read it. In that article I mention avoiding trans fats entirely. It got me thinking that I should follow up with more information on why. So here you go!

According to the Mayo Clinic, trans fat is considered to be the worst type of fat by some doctors. Unlike other fats, trans fat (also called trans-fatty acids) raises your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and lowers your “good” (HDL) cholesterol.

Trans fats harm you in many ways:

  • It raises triglycerides, which in turn increases the risk of stroke, diabetes, heart attack, and heart disease.
  • It increases lipoprotein which promotes a buildup of plaque in your arteries.
  • It causes more inflammation which is how your body responds to injury. Trans fat appears to damage the cells lining blood vessels, leading to inflammation. This can cause a heart attack or stroTo simplify, they not only hurt your body’s ability to fight “bad” cholesterol; they create more of it! And, trans fats leave you at a higher risk for heart attack, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

What the heck is trans fat anyway?

Trans fat is made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil. This process is called hydrogenation. Doing this to the oil helps the food stay fresh longer, giving it a longer shelf life. Sound scary yet?

Foods that typically have trans fats are:

  • commercially baked goods like crackers, cookies, and cakes;
  • many fried foods such as doughnuts and french fries;
  • frozen foods and prepackaged box foods.

Small amounts of trans fat occur naturally in some meat and dairy products. However, it’s the trans fats in processed foods that are the most harmful and that you want to avoid.

Don’t be fooled by the ingredient label — know where trans fats are hiding!

Read the labels. This is where it gets tricky! In the United States, if a food has less than .5 grams of trans fat per serving, the food label is allowed to read 0 grams trans fat. It may seem small, but eat two servings and you have already exceeded your recommended daily limit!

To be safe, make sure you read the ingredients! Since zero doesn’t always mean zero — if the label says “partially hydrogenated” vegetable oil — do not buy it. That’s code for trans fat!

This sounds a little weird, but “fully” or “completely” hydrogenated oil doesn’t have trans fat. If the label simply says “hydrogenated” then it may contain trans fat. My thought here is why take the chance? If it says “partially hydrogenated” or “hydrogenated,” don’t buy it!

I know what you’re thinking — what about restaurants?

Good news! Many cities around the country are banning the use of trans fats in restaurants. In California the ban is statewide!

Many restaurants are responding to this health risk and switching the oil they use. Examples are Mc Donald’s, Burger King, The Cheesecake Factory, and Carl’s Jr. Use Google to find out if your city has banned trans fats. If not, check into the restaurants you frequent to make sure they have made the switch. A large serving of french fries in some restaurants can contain 5 grams or more of trans fats!

Don’t deprive yourself — but preserve your health!

I do not believe in deprivation when it comes to food. And, I believe in a balanced approach to a healthy diet, so I don’t normally call any food “bad.” However, when it comes to trans fats I can confidently say never eat them! You don’t have to eliminate the food! You just might need to find another brand or try making it yourself.

Please let me know if this has helped you understand the topic better; and ask away if you have any questions.  I love to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!



Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight!

If mornings at your house are anything like mine, time is precious during those early hours! For many Americans, coffee is the breakfast of choice. You may be saying, “I know where you’re going Jennifer, but I just don’t have time!” Or, “I’m not hungry in the morning.”

You are not alone! These are common reasons for skipping breakfast. However, after you read this article you may want to consider eating a little something before you head out the door.

How breakfast helps you lose weight:

1) Jump starts your metabolism!  Once you are awake the body has already been fasting for an average of 10-12 hours depending on eating and sleeping patterns.

Skipping breakfast increases the fast to approximately 15-20 hours. This keeps the body from producing the enzymes needed to metabolize fat to lose weight. By eating breakfast you actually increase your metabolism!

2)  Battles binging! Skipping breakfast will make you ravenous later in the day and may cause you to overeat. You may find yourself nibbling mindlessly throughout the day. Combine a slow metabolism with that and you have a great formula to sabotage your weight loss plan!

3)  Inspires healthy choices!  Regular breakfast eaters have been proven to eat less throughout the day, pick healthier foods, and exercise.

It’s no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  So how do you battle the obstacles holding you back?

1)  No time!  Make it to go and eat it at work. Try pre-cooked eggs and oatmeal from the night before. Or, toast a whole wheat english muffin and make a healthy breakfast sandwich.

2)  Not hungry! Start by having a piece of fruit in the morning. This will still break the fast and stabilize blood sugar. Work you way up to adding protein. Try a hard boiled egg, peanut butter, or yoghurt. Make it a goal to finish your entire breakfast by 10:00 a.m.

Make smart choices!

Since breakfast sets the pace for the rest of your day, you want to make wise choices.

When focusing on weight loss and management, a 300-450 calorie breakfast is a good target. If you are eating cereals, read the labels and pay close attention to serving sizes and calorie count. Granola is best used as a condiment rather than a meal.

Here are some examples of low-cal filling breakfasts:

Breakfast #1

  • Two fried eggs with a tablespoon of salsa
  • 1 serving of oatmeal with a tablespoon of coconut oil & blueberries

Calories: 435

Note: On this breakfast I eat a 1/2 serving of oatmeal. A full serving is too filling for me. You will want to experiment. I eat a snack around 10:00 a.m., usually a piece of fruit.

Breakfast #2 (replaces the fast food breakfast sandwich)

  • Whole wheat english muffin sliced & toasted
  • 1 fried or scrambled egg
  • 1 slice light cheese
  • 1 piece of nitrate free ham
  • Optional piece of fruit

Calories in sandwich: 329

Breakfast #3

  • 1 cup lowfat yoghurt
  • I tablespoon agave nectar
  • 1/4 Granola
  • Handful of blueberries

Calories: 370

If you already eat breakfast at least five days per week you are on the road to success. If you are just getting started, I hope this article has motivated you to incorporate exercise into your routine.

Have a quick, healthy breakfast you’d like to share? Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!
