Seven Ways To Limit Stress And Have More Peace In Your Life

Seven Ways To Limit Stress And Have More Peace In Your Life by Jennifer Ledford

Everyone feels stressed from time to time.  Whenever your body has to respond to mental and/or physical pressure, stress occurs. That means it’s pretty tough to get through a week or even a day without some type of stress coming your way.

The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you so it’s not necessarily a bad thing in moderation.  When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life.  

Everyone’s stress levels are going to be different.  Some people may cope with stress more effectively or recover from stressful events more quickly than others.  For example, some of us can waltz right into the DMV and take our driving test without feeling stressed while others will be sweating bullets.

There are different types of stress.  A stressor may be a one-time event or a short-term circumstance or it can be a situation that continues for a long period of time.

Fortunately, the human body is beautifully designed to experience stress and react to it. However, when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation, the person almost always becomes overworked and chronic stress-related tension can occur.

Chronic stress can cause a variety of symptoms and can affect your weight, your health, and your overall well-being.  I personally believe that chronic stress is as bad, if not worse, for us than smoking cigarettes so, it’s a good thing to limit the amount of stress in our lives and know how to manage it when it pops up.

Seven Ways To Manage And Avoid Stress

  • Step outdoors.  A recent review of studies published in Environmental Science & Technology that focused on “outdoor exercise” discovered that physical activity in natural areas decreases the risk of mental illness and improves one’s sense of well-being.

One way I like to relieve stress is to take our dogs for a walk.  It allows me to take a break from the environment or stressful situation and take a deep breath.  When I finish the walk, I have a fresh new perspective.

  • Forgive.  Unforgiveness can contribute to anxiety and anger which causes more stress in your life.  Forgiving others does not mean what they did was okay; it simply means you release the offense from your heart and mind so that you can move on in peace.  It’s much better to forgive the guy that cut you off on the freeway than to show up at the office ticked off with elevated blood pressure.
  • Take a vacation.  It’s important to take time off and get away from your day-to-day routine. When you go on vacation, you invest in your health and special memories that will make you smile for years to come.  If budget is an issue, I recommend day-trips like picnics at your local park or at the beach while you are saving up funds for a vacation.  My husband and I went through a period when we were really watching our spending and spent our days off at the beach.  One day at the beach did more for us to relieve stress than any expensive spa could ever do.  Find the things that work for you.  They don’t necessarily have to be pricey.
  • Take action.  Procrastination or avoiding problems  can make situations worse which can lead to additional stress.  When we take the time to discover and solve issues that are causing stress in our life, there is a sense of peace in knowing that the problem is going to be solved and that the stress is not permanent.  Sometimes we can figure out the solutions on our own.  Other times, it’s best to seek professional help for expert advice.  It’s okay and actually wise to ask for help!
  • It’s okay to say no.  Setting boundaries with your time is one of the best tools you have to limit unnecessary stress.  Write your top five to ten life priorities in order of importance. Then, look at your calendar and see how much time is being devoted to each. Is there a balance? Is there something that should be put on hold for awhile? Depending on what that list looks like currently, that may even include formal workouts and temporarily switching to lifestyle activity for your exercise.
  • Pray.  As a spiritual person this is my number one go-to when it comes to managing stress.  I go straight to God and pray.  This doesn’t mean I’m always on my knees praying.   Sometimes it’s a conversation in the car, out on a trail, or on our back deck. Listening to spiritual music and reading daily devotionals that lift me spirit up are helpful as well.

If prayer isn’t your thing, that’s okay.  Find some positive books, music, or affirmations that help you feel inspired and stimulated in a healthy way.

  • Remove toxic people from your life.  This one’s a biggie.  We all know that person that makes us feel bummed out or even worse “slimed” after we have been around them.  As difficult as it can be at times, it’s important for your health and well-being to limit your time with people that stress you out.  If it’s a family member or coworker, you may want to counsel with someone that can help coach you through the best way to handle your situation.

There is no such thing as a “stress-free” life.  None of us will ever completely avoid it. However, I believe that if you use one or all of the tips above, you will be able to minimize it and it will, over time, have less of an effect on you.

Here’s to less stress and more peace in your life!

Shared with love,

Eleven Ways To Live Well And Age Gracefully

Happy Birthday - Jennifer Ledford - Age Gracefully

It’s my birthday!  I turn forty six years old today.  I have to say it’s almost surreal to me.  I often forget that I’m in my mid-forties because I still feel thirty on the inside.  While I may not feel like I’m in my forties, my age has allowed me to obtain a healthy amount of experience and knowledge.  And for that I am extremely grateful!

I actually like birthdays and embrace mine with open arms.  I’m not someone that has ever had the desire to resist growing up.  I’ve always wanted to be mature in my mind and young at heart.  To me, that’s the best of both worlds.

How To Live  Well and Age Gracefully

Over the past forty six years I’ve had the opportunity to learn quite a few things about life, fitness, health, and aging and since it’s my birthday I wanted to share some of them with you.

  • Don’t sweat the small stuff.  I’m sure you’ve read this more than once.  The part I purposely left out of the famous phrase is “and it’s all small stuff.”  I left it out because sometimes the problem is not small at all.  It’s important not to get worked up over small things that can either be ignored or solved easily.  Limiting stress in your life is one of the top things you can do for your health.  When you limit getting stressed over the minor issues, you’ll have way more strength to deal with the larger ones.
  • Love yourself.  Some people confuse this with pride and are uncomfortable with the thought of loving themselves.  Loving yourself means you respect yourself and believe you deserve the best possible outcomes in life.  One of the first steps to loving yourself is to avoid negative self talk and to reject anything negative spoken over your life by another person.
  • Discover who you are and be authentically you.  This is huge!  There is only one you.  Learn what’s important to you and pursue goals that you desire to fulfill.  Sometimes that’s not always the “safe path” that a parent or counselor is suggesting you follow.  It may include some calculated risks.  Avoid the temptation to copy someone else’s life and go out and create your own legacy.
  • Share your gifts.  We are all designed with unique talents and gifts.  I once heard a wise woman say that she believed that one of the reasons our world has so many problems is because not everyone discovers and shares their gifts.  When we hide our talents the world misses out and so does the individual that possesses the gift.
  • It’s okay to say no.  Maintaining boundaries is one of the most important things we can do for our physical, emotional, and mental health.  It also helps us reserve our strength and energy for the people in our lives that are counting on us.
  • Forgive freely.  Forgiving yourself and others helps contribute to a healthy mind and body.  Research has linked unforgiveness to serious illness which makes forgiveness a really important part of your life.  I realize it can be tough to forgive at times, especially when the other person doesn’t seem to deserve it.  If you are having a tough time forgiving someone else, remind yourself that it’s for your own personal well-being to forgive the offense. Eventually your emotions will catch up to your decision to forgive.  I’m a spiritual person so whenever I am struggling with forgiving someone or even myself, I ask God to heal my heart and help me forgive.
  • Eat well.  We all need to eat so we might as well eat food that will help keep us healthy and vibrant-looking.  Focus on eating whole foods and limit processed foods.  Avoid things like high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils.  Make sure that you recognize everything on a food label’s ingredient list.  Learn to make healthy meals that you enjoy.  Take time out to feast with your family and friends.  Eat out at interesting restaurants that serve fresh ingredients.  Focus on eating for health rather than dieting.  Life is too short to spend it restricting yourself, counting calories, or feeling guilty about food.
  • Exercise.  It’s recommended that we all get an average of thirty minutes of exercise per day for health purposes.  Exercise at your own personal fitness level and choose things that are fun.  Exercise outdoors when possible for added stress reduction.
  • Drink plenty of water.  This one is easy!  Staying hydrated not only helps your metabolism function well it can help your skin maintain a more youthful appearance.
  • Have fun.  It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine so do it often.  Schedule fun into your week.  Be present wherever your feet are planted and look for the hidden blessings that are around you each and every day.  If you are struggling to find joy in your day it may be time for a change.  Maybe it’s time to find a new job, get some new friends, or try a new exercise routine, etc.
  • Keep growing.  I have the opportunity to work with people that are retired and the people that are thriving the most have not stopped growing.  Some of them went back to work part time while others are doing things like volunteering in their community, studying a language, traveling, exercising, taking cooking lessons. They are involved in politics, helping make documentary films, writing memoirs, and more.  In order to keep your mind sharp, you MUST use it.  It’s also important that you socialize and stay engaged.  It may sound appealing to retire and sit back right now when your schedule is not jam packed but too much “retirement” can have a negative effect on your mind and body.  It’s okay to take a year off from the rat race.  However, it’s a good idea to use some of that time to plan what you’d like to do next in your life.

Time is precious.  Spend it on the things that are most important to you and with the people that matter most to you.  Give yourself grace and avoid comparing yourself to others.  Life is about being your own personal best and that’s different for everyone!

Here’s to birthdays and a super blessed week!

With Love,