How To Find Time To Exercise And Meal Plan

How To Find Time To Exercise And Meal Plan

I’ve been a personal trainer for over 26 years and one of the top issues I continue to help people with is finding time to exercise and/or meal plan.

The fitness and wellness industry has evolved in so many positive ways. Technology has allowed me to do things like help people exercise from home and shorten the time it takes to create a grocery list. However, no matter how “smart” technology gets or how streamlined the workouts can be, there are still only 24 hours in a day.

It’s no secret that life can be demanding and even a bit hectic at times. Our calendars can fill up quickly with daily responsibilities and meaningful events. Time is valuable and in order to maintain your fitness goals some of it should be spent doing the things that will help you stay healthy.

In order to set boundaries around the time that you put aside to take care of yourself, it may require you to say no from time to time. Saying no can be difficult for some people. Especially if you are someone who likes to do things like volunteer, socialize often, or work late hours.

In today’s video I give you some simple and extremely valuable tips on how to say no gracefully. This video may be one of the most important videos I’ve shared with you so far. Setting healthy boundaries with your time is about more than simply finding time to exercise, it’s about lowering stress in every area of your life.

A life based on serving others is what we should all shoot for. However, it’s important that you take care of yourself along the way. It’s much easier to serve others when we keep ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally strong.

Enjoy the video and have a great week!

With love,
Jennifer Ledford

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