How Fiber Can Help You Lose Belly Fat

Fiber is one of my secret weapons to help combat belly fat.  Unfortunately, most Americans only get half the fiber they need on a daily basis!

How does fiber help you lose belly fat?

  • Fiber rich foods need to be chewed longer which can allow you time to notice you are full
  • You get “high volume low calorie” meals which helps the body feel full longer
  • It helps stop over eating
  • You are regular with your bowel movements eliminating bloating

Getting the right amount of fiber in your diet has other health benefits as well, such as:

  • Lowers blood cholesterol levels
  • Helps control blood sugar levels
  • Helps maintain bowel integrity and health

How much fiber should you be getting?

The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, which provides science-based advice on matters of medicine and health, gives the following daily recommendations for adults:

Men: 50 and younger 38 grams, 51 and older 30 grams

Women: 50 and younger 25 grams, 51 and older 21 grams

If you are not getting enough fiber then you will want to add more to your daily food intake.

Types of foods that are high in fiber are:

  • Grains and whole-grain products
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Beans, peas, and other legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

Refined foods are lower in fiber content.  Make sure to check the labels.  Anything that is 4 grams or above of dietary fiber per serving is considered a higher fiber food.

By paying attention to the labels, you will begin to notice that white breads, white pastas, and other processed foods are lower in fiber.

Limiting the more processed foods will help you reach your goal of  shrinking that belly fat!

How to add more fiber to your diet:

1)  Eat Breakfast!  One of the easiest ways to add more fiber to your diet is to start the day with it.  Oatmeal is a quick easy way to get a jump start on your daily fiber intake.

I use the quick cooking oats.  If you prefer the steel cut than go for it!

Here’s my recipe:

Jennifer’s Breakfast Oatmeal

  • 1 serving of oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds (can use ground flax instead)

The total fiber for this meal is 8 grams.

Note:  I usually make a 1/2 serving of oatmeal and use a full serving of the chia seeds and coconut oil.  An entire serving of oatmeal is more than I can eat because I also have two eggs for protein.

Experiment and make sure you are eating enough.  A healthy breakfast should be around 300-400 calories for the person who wants to lose or maintain their weight.

Feel free to get creative!  Berries are another great add.  If coconut oil is not your thing, use 1/2 tablespoon of real organic butter.

2) Cook with it!  Substitute with higher fiber foods in recipes.  For example, use whole wheat pasta when the recipe calls for white.

Pick recipes full of vegetables and fruits.  Or, serve steamed vegetables and salads with every meal.

3) Snack on it!  Healthy snacks help you shrink belly fat.  The trick is to eat high fiber food at each snack.  For example, whole wheat crackers and a piece of light cheese, or an apple instead of a cookie.

I hope this has been helpful to you!  Have a great tip, recipe, or a question?  Please comment below.  I’d love to hear from you!












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