How To Eat Carbs And Lose Weight!

Ah! Italian food! My absolute favorite food to cook and eat! I grew up around a lot of Italians. So what do you think I did when pasta got a bad rap? I’ll tell you! I ignored it—that’s not a typo! As a health and fitness professional I knew it was absolutely ludicrous to tell people to eliminate an entire food group (carbohydrates) from their diet. Instead, thinking of my clients’ needs, I looked for ways we can enjoy carbs and still lose weight. I’m going to share some of those tips with you.

  1. Portion size. Most people simply eat too big of a portion. Instead of making the whole 16 oz. bag of pasta, make ½ the bag to serve 4 people and make a salad to go with your dish. Most restaurants serve large portions when it comes to pasta dishes so eat ½ and take it home or split it with someone, and get a vegetable on the side. Watch the bread intake prior to eating a meal. If you are having a salad for lunch, then a little bread is fine. If ordering a pasta dish then you may want to skip the bread.
  2. Recipe selection. Choose recipes that include the carbs in the entrée. Try magazines like Cooking Light. These recipes will have protein, veggies, and the correct amount of carbohydrate to not only fill you up, but also keep the calories in check. It will make it easy to figure out portion sizes as well. Experiment with recipes that include different types of carbohydrates such as rice, cous-cous, quinoa, beans, corn, whole-wheat pasta, etc.
  3. Whole grains. Substitute whole grains for white breads and other enriched flour products as much as possible. Whole grains tend to be higher in fiber, which will clean the digestive tract, give you a leaner appearance, and will satisfy you longer. Note: If you encounter an incredible baguette or like to cook with the white pasta once in awhile then I suggest you splurge (I would), however, make this more of a treat than the norm.
  4. Exercise. Carbohydrates are fuel. The body needs them for energy and burns them first, so–the more you exercise, the leaner you will look and feel. Carbohydrates hold water, so if you are not burning them, you may feel puffy. This is why those no-carb diets show such quick weight loss. Often it is a loss of water, not fat.

Go Ahead and Eat! Enjoy!

Hopefully these tips will help you to sort out all of the anti-carb marketing out there, and allow you to enjoy them as an effective part of your weight management routine. Carbohydrates are an important part of our diet, so don’t be afraid to eat them! Remember, to lose weight for the long term it’s about moderation, quality of food, and choices.

I’d love to hear from you. Go ahead! I want to help you indulge in your favorite carbohydrate! Tell me what it is and I’ll show you how to incorporate it into a well-balanced diet.

To your health!

Jennifer Ledford

P.S. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or any other condition that is affected by the foods you eat, always consult with a good nutritionist that specializes in disease and allergy prevention meal planning.

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