How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach

"How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach" and "How Being Grateful Leads To Weight Loss And More" by Jennifer Ledford - Certified Personal Trainer - ledford0716-8084

Summer is on its way and I’m already seeing the funny videos on social media regarding getting back into shape.  While the videos are humorous, and I don’t necessarily have a problem with them, they do make me concerned that some people think they have to “get in shape” before they can wear a pair of shorts, tank top, or swimsuit.

For years, the fitness and diet industry has capitalized on this time of year to try to convince you that before you go out into public with part of your body showing you need to buy into the latest and greatest workout, diet, or shake.  The truth is you don’t.  The only thing you have to do to be ready to wear a tank top is pick one out and put it on your body.  🙂

Please understand, I’m not saying it’s wrong to want to look more toned and shed extra pounds that are not serving you well.  It’s totally normal and healthy to want to look good in your summer clothes and I encourage you to strength train at a level that is right for you.  I also think it’s a great idea to eat whole foods that serve your body well.

How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach

However, your self-esteem and whether or not you are willing to hit the beach or hang by the pool in your bathing suit this summer should not be based on whether or not you look like a fitness model in a magazine.  Bodies come in all shapes and sizes which is why we should always avoid comparison.  If you wait until you look like someone else before you will wear your summer clothes, you could be waiting a very long time and missing out on a whole lot of fun.  Life is WAY to short for that!

Even if you are totally at a peace with finding your natural set point and are currently losing weight without dieting, I want you to know that you don’t have to wait until you lose weight to put on a bathing suit or any other item of clothing.  Don’t ever allow the pressures of the diet culture or fitness industry to cause you to miss out on having fun.  Live in the moment and love yourself no matter what size your bathing suit is.  That, my friend, is total freedom!

Shared with love!


Six Ways To Lose Weight And Still Have A Blast This Summer!

shutterstock_388797451 - summer time fun

Summer has arrived! This means vacations and lots of outdoor festivities!

For many people, summer can be one of the easiest times of year to lose weight.  An abundance of daylight, outdoor activities, and fresh fruits and vegetables all contribute to easy weight loss.  However, long vacations and an abundance of picnics and parties can potentially hinder weight loss goals if we’re not paying attention.  Fortunately, a little awareness and some planning can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals and still have a blast this summer.

Six Ways To Lose Weight And Still Have A Blast This Summer

1) Pay attention to snacking.  With summer barbecues come lots of chips, dips, and appetizers. A serving of chips is usually between 9 and 16 chips; and a serving of dip is usually two tablespoons.  Go ahead and taste, but step away from the table to have a conversation.  Sitting in front of these yummy temptations can lead to mindless snacking.

If you’re really hungry stick to more of the lighter fare like fresh fruit, a portion of cheese, nuts, cold cuts, hummus, and yogurt dips.  Make sure to combine protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you from being hungry again in ten minutes.

2) Have a plan when you eat at buffets. Cruises and hotels offer wonderful buffets. However, when I have a choice between ordering from the menu or the buffet I will usually pick the menu. This helps me avoid overeating.

If the buffet is all you have to choose from, or you really want to try the food, then keep portion sizes in mind when filling up your plate.  Give yourself twenty minutes before going back for a second helping to make sure you are actually hungry.  Finish off your buffet with fruit for dessert which is a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth.

3) Consider having your own kitchen when you travel for longer than a weekend.  My husband and I like to rent timeshares or vacation homes with kitchens.  Over the years we’ve learned that eating every meal out in a restaurant when you are traveling can be a bit much.  If you are traveling for longer than a weekend, I recommend sticking as close to the way you would eat at home eighty percent of the time and enjoy treats for twenty percent of the trip.  Having your own kitchen makes it a lot easier to do this.  In the end, you’ll end up feeling less bloated and the chances of overeating are seriously reduced.

If you don’t have your own kitchen, try going to a deli or market and creating your own picnic lunch.  You’ll have fun shopping like a local and more control over portion sizes.

4) Watch for hidden calories in blended drinks.  Summer is the time for blended drinks with lots of fresh fruit. These “smoothies” can be loaded with calories.  Treat blended drinks like dessert if you’re not sure about the ingredients.

The same goes for the whipped drinks at the coffee shop.  A Starbucks Frappucino can be anywhere from 290-490 calories so best to keep these to a minimum.

5) Make sure to hydrate!  Watch your water intake even if you are spending the day by the pool. Water wipes the perspiration off of your body, yet your body continues to perspire in the pool.  When you are dehydrated, it can hinder your liver’s ability to metabolize fat.  Fortunately, keeping water close by is a nice easy fix.

6) Play a little more and sit a little less.  Recent research found that as little as a twenty minute reduction in sedentary time on weekends was tied to a loss of more than two pounds per year.  That may not sound like a lot but losing two pounds is always better than gaining two pounds!

Come up with some outdoor activities that you and/or your family enjoy or would like to try. Then, incorporate physical activity into your summer plans.

For example, I love to sit on the beach all day long! It’s so peaceful and I leave totally restored.  However, if I’m not careful too much sitting can pack on  a few extra pounds.  To counter the sitting, my husband and I like to go for a long walk and play in the surf with our dogs.

There are so many ways to burn calories while having fun outdoors. Some examples are Frisbee, Flag Football, swimming, boating, paddle boarding, kayaking, hiking, water jogging, and body surfing. It doesn’t have to be formal.  If it seems like a chore, pick something else.  It’s supposed to be leisure time.

This summer, make sure you take time to rest, play, laugh, and relax.  Reducing stress is one of the best things you can do for your waistline and overall health and fitness.  It really is about balance in every area of your life.

Here’s to a happy and healthy summer!

With Love,

How You Can Effectively Lose Weight Before Summer

How You Can Effectively Lose Weight Before Summer
Spring is here!  The days are getting longer and the sleeves are getting shorter.  A change to a lighter wardrobe and an awareness that summer is approaching can sometimes trigger a desire to lose some weight.  There’s usually nothing wrong with losing some weight as long as the methods aren’t harming your metabolism long term.

In today’s video I share why you want to avoid the temptation to jump into fad diets and how you can effectively lose weight before summer rolls around.

Take a moment to watch it and if you have any questions or comments for me write them in the comment section below or on my Facebook page.  I love to hear from you!

Here’s to a fit and productive week!

With Love,

How You Can Effectively Lose Weight Before Summer