Eight Tips To Save At The Grocery Store And Still Eat Healthy!

According to a new national poll of more than 1,000 women, published in the June 2012 issue of ShopSmart magazine (from the publisher of Consumer Reports), 57% of respondents said their main reason for not eating a healthy diet was cost.

How sad because it is possible to eat healthy on a budget!

I realize that your budget may be limiting you. I’m sure you want to stick to your budget so you can keep your household finances in order. A healthy bank balance plays an important role in reducing stress in your life!

However, let’s put this into perspective. You’ve heard it all before, how you can’t put a price tag on your health. Yet you aren’t sure how to get around it. You know that when your health is compromised, it is difficult to have the energy you need for the good things in life. Poor health can negatively affect every area of your life — time with family or friends, your performance at work and more.

The financial costs of illness can be steep! A major illness can destroy a carefully kept budget due to loss of wages, high medical bills, and sometimes even bankruptcy.

With all that said, you can’t afford not to eat healthy! The best part about it is that it is possible to eat healthy while staying within your budget.

Here are eight tips for eating healthy without breaking the bank!

1)  Make a list!  Plan your meals for the week and make a list. This keeps you from wasting food and money. For more meal planning tips, check out Meal Planning Helps You Lose Weight.

When planning, alternate the meatier dishes with meals that offer less meat with lots of veggies and healthy grains. This will help you stretch your dollar and increase your fiber intake.

Include other needed household items on your list, like toiletries and cleaners. Then, go to the store weekly. This will limit impulse buying exposure to one trip per week. After awhile you will get so good at making your list that you will add things to the cart by choice, not by impulse.

2) Compare prices! Not all stores have the same prices for the same or similar items.  I shop Trader Joe’s for a huge part of our list. The remainder I buy at our specialty markets and Nob Hill Foods. Trader Joe’s has a great selection of healthy foods, and the majority of their products are priced lower than their competitors. I only buy at Nob’s or specialty stores what I can’t find at Joe’s, plus the items I know are priced better elsewhere. Get to know the different stores in your area and their price differences. If they are close together, consider making multiple stops on your shopping day.

3)  Buy the store name brand! Many store’s have their own brands now which cuts costs significantly. Often times it’s the name brand food with a different wrapper. Read your labels and make sure you are avoiding trans fats (partially hydrogenated oils) and high fructose corn syrup. Organic foods are becoming more and more available under the “store brand” labels, so always check to see if your store has that option.

4)  Shop in season! Fruits and vegetables are always less expensive when they are in season. When you buy out of season you are paying for the extra shipping. Consider freezing seasonable fruits and veggies while they are less expensive and save them for later.

5)  Know your source! Local farms and ranches may opt out of the Organic label because of cost. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t growing and raising the food in it’s purest form. Visit your local butcher ,produce stand, bakery, and other specialized food shops. Often times you can buy natural foods that are antibiotic, hormone, and pesticide free without the hefty “organic” price tag. Ask the local farmer how the food is grown.

6)  Chop your own stuff!  I chop my own garlic. celery, onions, carrots, and other types of root vegetables. This allows me to buy organic and save the money I would be paying someone else to cut my vegetables for me.

7)  Watch the extras! Limit things like cookies, chips, sodas, and sugary cereals. Consider these foods to be treats. Try substituting fruit, oatmeal, and water.

8)  Get creative! Buy foods that can multi-task! I always have yoghurt on hand and use it for snacks, in place of sour cream in recipes, or to make smoothies. Only buying one product for multiple uses is great. I know I will use it up rather than watch it grow mold. Throwing away food is like throwing cash away.

Have a question or a money saving tip you’d like to share.  Please leave a comment below. I’m looking forward to talking to you!










Celebrate This Fourth of July Without The Extra Calories!


This year my dog (Dillon) and I will be marching in our local parade on the Fourth of July. I am super excited to be part of the celebration honoring the birth of our country and the people who fought for our freedom.

I do have a confession to make!

There’s another personal reason I agreed to do it. I wanted the exercise! What a fun way to get my workout in for the morning. It’s always great to find fun ways of exercising so it never feels like a chore.

One of my tricks to weight management without dieting is to get exercise on days I will be indulging.  I don’t use this method only on the Fourth of July — I practice this principle all summer long! For more tips on how to lose weight while enjoying your summer, read Tips for Your Summer Weight Loss Plan.

It is totally possible for you to have fun and avoid the extra calories this year!

1) Exercise! If you are walking in your local parade, this is a great way to get exercise. Committing to an event will help keep you on track when you might be tempted to “blow off” exercise.

You don’t have to be in a parade to get exercise on the fourth! You and your family and/or group could walk or hike before all of the grilling starts. Try calling to set it up in advance. If it’s too tough to fit in — plan fun, active games. This will also prevent the mindless snacking that can occur while visiting.

2)  Go Light! Having a potluck? Bring the lighter version of your traditional dish. Something as simple as substituting regular mayonnaise with the light version can cut back significantly on calories! Google is great for helping you find the lighter fare without compromising taste. Ask other friends if they want to bring light dishes as well. If appropriate, why not make “cooking light” the theme?

Choose leaner meats for the barbecue. A Kielbasa sausage has 330 calories. That doesn’t include the bun! Substitute with a chicken sausage that has 170 calories.

3)  Make calorie conscious choices! Limit foods like chips and dip. Nine chips and two tablespoons of dip is usually a serving and can have 200 calories easy! Load up on fruits, veggies, and green salad. Take smaller “taste size” portions of the heavier dishes like potato salad. This allows you to keep from feeling deprived and stay on target with your weight loss/management goals.

Substitute sparkling water or plain iced tea for sweet tea, energy drinks, and soda. Wine and beer have a lot less calories than blended “umbrella” drinks. If you plan on drinking some of your calories, you may want to skip dessert or vice versa.

Make a plan before the party starts. For example if the tea is sweet, I”ll choose water.

4)  It’s only one day!  You have to really pig out to gain weight in one day. However, the fourth can set the tone for the rest of the week and even the summer. If you overdo it, get right back on your normal eating and exercise plan the following day!

These tips will help you have fun without gaining weight! If you have a great tip you want to share or have a question, please leave a comment below!

Have a super fun and safe Fourth of July!

Blessings to you and your family!




Ten Fun Ways to Burn Calories This Summer

Here’s one way to sabotage a workout.

It was a beautiful day outside,  but gym members were dutifully working out inside. This was a few years ago at a gym where I worked. While faithfully working out on a stair master facing a window, one woman told me how miserable she was. All she wanted was to be outside! This woman had been convinced the only place she could get a good work out was inside the gym!

The odds of this woman sticking to her exercise routine for the long term was very slim.

This was one of many conversations that inspired me to take my training business out of the gym entirely.

Have you seen the statistics about gym membership?

You see, after years of doing private fitness coaching, I have discovered most people enjoy physical activity. However, many people do not like formal “workouts” or exercising inside. Never mind spending their precious summer vacation time indoors! I believe this is one of the main reasons only 20% of a gym’s membership use the facility 2 times or more per week!

If you are part of the 80%, you may want to consider canceling that charitable donation and choosing something new.

It’s totally normal to have days when you feel like “blowing off” physical activity. But you’re in trouble if it’s because your routine makes you absolutely miserable.

This is why walking is still the most popular form of exercise for many people. Things like enjoying the scenery, having a destination, walking your pet, or talking to a friend make it pleasurable. Over the years I’ve noticed that  my clients who exercise outside of the gym stick to it long term.

Are you one of the 20% that frequents the gym regularly but would like to enjoy the nicer weather? Summer is a great time to do some cross training and mix it up a bit. Check to see if your gym offers outdoor activities. Or, try something from the list below and work it into your weekly routine. Your body will have to work harder to adapt to the new activity.

Schools out! Include the kids!

Are you finding yourself missing work outs because the kids are out of school? Chances are your kids want to be out playing this summer! This does not have to sabotage your fitness goals! Outdoor exercise will allow you to enjoy some summer fun as a family without gaining weight! Who knows? You may discover something you want to add to your routine long term!

Here are ten ways to have fun, get that Vitamin D, and burn off the calories! 

  • Body Surfing for 30 minutes (102 calories)
  • Leisure Bike Riding for 30 minutes (136 calories)
  • Leisure swimming for 30 minutes (205 calories)
  • Water skiing for 30 minutes (205 calories)
  • Moderate Lap Swimming for 30 minutes (239 calories)
  • Kayaking for one hour (341 calories)
  • Hiking or brisk walking for one hour (409 calories)
  • Playing tennis one hour (477 calories)
  • Playing beach Volleyball one hour (545 calories)
  • Mountain Biking one hour (580 calories)

These calorie counts are based on a 150 pound adult. For your own personal numbers you can use a calorie tracker like loseit.

No matter what you decide to do for exercise this summer, make sure to include a balance of fun, relaxation, excitement, and weight management!

Have a fun summer activity you’d like to share? Please leave a comment below and I’ll list how many calories it burns. I love hearing from you!

