Four Important Reasons To Keep Eating Carbs

Four Important Reasons To Keep Eating Carbs by Jennifer Ledford - Certified Personal Trainer and Healthy Lifestyle Coach - -

It’s only the second week of January and  I’ve already had several people share with me that they plan on cutting out carbs because they want to lose weight.  Hearing this always concerns me.  Cutting out carbs is a big mistake for health reasons.  It’s also a big mistake if you want to lose weight and keep it off for good.  While cutting out carbs may seem like a successful weight loss tool during the early stages of a diet, it eventually turns into an unsustainable restriction that is next to impossible to sustain for the long-term.

Diets that recommend eliminating carbohydrates have been torturing our society for years and it’s time for it to stop. They aren’t new. However, in order to sell them as something new, the diet industry likes to change the name and/or tweak the diet just a bit in order to sell it to you as the latest and greatest.   As a health and fitness professional, it’s always seemed ludicrous to me to tell people to eliminate an entire food group from their diet especially one that affects our ability to think and physically move.  The “no carb” diets are a long lasting fad that I have always chosen to ignore.

Fortunately, “no carb” diets are being promoted less and less these days.  The whole “anti-carb” thing is VERY outdated and basic metabolic science completely debunks it.  Health and fitness professionals are backing the solid science that shows consumption of carbohydrates is not only essential for long term weight loss, it’s necessary to help fuel your mind and and body properly. Fitting into those tiny skinny jeans isn’t worth it if you can’t remember your name or don’t feel like getting out of bed in the morning.

Oftentimes you may read or hear about the benefits of a low carb diet which is not the same as a no carb diet.  The types and amount of carbohydrates we need to eat is personal.  So, if someone is cutting back on carbs successfully, it means they were probably eating way more than their body needed or carbs that were not fueling their body properly like processed white flour, sweets, and/or certain snack foods.

Four reasons why you want to Keep eating carbs

They satisfy hunger and cravings.  Carbohydrates that contain resistance starch (like potatoes, grains, and beans) take longer to break down  in the body so they cause less of an insulin spike than the more “simple” carbs. When you eat the more complex carbs (even better if they are combined with protein and veggies) throughout the day, it helps you crave less of the sugary processed foods and will give your body the fuel it needs to avoid being hungry all of the time.  Basically, your body has the energy it needs so it’s less likely to ask for more until you actually need it.

Your body needs carbs to burn fat.  Here’s where I get a little scientific on you and all of the credit goes to the researchers studying metabolism.  Stay with me because it’s important to understand how carbs fuel your body if you’re going to fend off the diet voices in the media and/or your head telling you that they’re “bad” which is not the case.

Basically, carbohydrates need to be present in order for fat to be used up as energy. If a low level of carbohydrates exists or there are none to be found, a substance known as pyruvate begins to build up. Pyruvate is formed while you burn glucose (aka sugar) and if glucose is not present, pyruvate cannot do its job.  This results in the fat having nowhere to attach to in the body’s mitochondria, which in turn slows the metabolism, halting or extremely lessening the body’s ability to burn fat.  Additionally, when the body lacks carbohydrates, critical amino acids are pulled out of muscle tissues as the body turns against itself.  Once muscle tissue is decreased, the body’s metabolic rate is lowered substantially.

To summarize, if your body is lacking carbs, it will find the energy in the wrong places which in turn can sabotage your weight loss efforts, cause you to have less energy in the long run, and negatively impact your health.

They feed your brain.   Your brain needs carbohydrates to function.  Over time, cutting too many carbs in your diet can increase problems with basic mental functioning.  Have you ever found yourself having a tough time making a decision or thinking straight and then realized you haven’t eaten in hours?  You could be experiencing a lack of carbs.

When it comes to brain health, the type of carbs can make a difference.  It’s best to limit the simple carbs (like sugary cereals, sweets, and granola bars) and consume more of the complex carbs like whole grains, beans, root vegetables, and fruits in their fleshy form.

They taste good!  Let’s face it, the reason most of us like to eat carbs is because most of them taste good.  You are more likely to stick to a healthy food plan if you like the way the food tastes and feel satisfied after eating it.  Current research shows that restrictive dieting does not work so it’s important to allow yourself to eat the foods you enjoy .  If you tell yourself you can eat a tasty baguette or piece of cake whenever you want, you are way more likely to be willing to incorporate more of the complex carbs into your diet and crave the “simple” carbs less often.  So unless you have a medical condition that requires eliminating a certain food  (like wheat)  or need to closely monitor your carbohydrate consumption then allow yourself to enjoy the things you like in moderation.  Focusing on health is about eating the foods that make your body and mind feel good, not about focusing on the scale or rapid weight loss.

Most diets are rooted in fear, deprivation, and negativity.  None of that is healthy or sustainable.  You were not designed to suffer.

Just say no to diets and yes to creating a lifestyle that you love!

Shared with love,

The Word You Should Never Use When It Comes To Food

The Word You Should Never Use When It Comes To Food

There’s a word that I believe is misused quite a bit in the fitness and diet industry and the word is “cheat.”

While it may seem like no big deal to use “cheat” in relationship to diet, words have power and they can heavily impact how we look and feel about ourselves which can ultimately impact our behavior and health.

In today’s video I share how this word is misused and what we can do to replace it with words and behavior that will empower you rather than tear you down.

Take a moment to watch the video and if you think someone else you know could benefit from watching it please feel free to share!

Here’s to a happy and healthy week!

With Love,
Jennifer Ledford

How Being Grateful Leads To Weight Loss And Much More

How Being Grateful Leads To Weight Loss And More - Jennifer Ledford - Certified Personal Trainer - ledford0716-8084

It’s no secret that good nutrition and exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight.  However, diet and exercise are only part of the equation.  There’s more to health and weight loss than simply eating well and taking a power walk.  Having a positive attitude is just as important  to your health and weight management as shopping in the produce section is.

One of the simplest ways to stay positive is to maintain an attitude of gratitude.   When we give thanks it does more  than just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.  It can actually help reduce depression, improve your sleep, and cause you to be less critical of yourself and your body.

Research shows us that proper sleep, a healthy self image, and a healthy mindset can all lead to realistic weight loss that you can maintain long term. If you are critical of yourself or your circumstances, you end up working from a place of opposition.  The brain fights to be right so it’s very difficult to complain about something and have success in the same area.  It’s like trying to ride a bike against the wind.  You will struggle!

How To Stay Positive By Being Grateful

So, what are some ways to give thanks? Here are seven simple tips.

  • Start with three things per day.  Choose three things you are grateful for each morning like your family, your friends, your great job, the fact that you graduated from school, your awesome dog, or simply being able to get out of bed that day.  Make sure to announce them out loud no matter how simple they are.  Do your best to mix it up and name something new each day to help keep yourself present and avoid going on autopilot.
  • Include your body when giving thanks.  This one can be a toughie for some people.  Your body listens to what you say so it’s critical that you point out the things you are grateful for and love about it.  I’m forty six years old and there are things on me that jiggle but I can still find plenty of things about my body to be grateful for like my strong legs that help me walk my dogs or my great hair (thank you John Ryan at Festoon salon).  🙂
  • Keep the gratefulness going.  Be someone that looks on the bright side and finds the silver lining in every situation.  Grateful people focus on blessings, being fortunate, and abundance no matter what the circumstances.  Less grateful people focus on burdens and complaints.
  • Thank others.  When we focus on others, it feeds our soul in a healthy way.  Paying someone a specific compliment or thanking them can lift your spirits way higher than any cup of coffee ever will.  Don’t worry, I’m not even suggesting that you give up coffee. 🙂
  • Give praise.  Personally, I like to thank God every morning for another day.  I realize that not everyone has the same spiritual beliefs that I do and I want you to know that you are safe with me and always welcome on this page whether we have the same beliefs or not.  However if you do believe in God, I recommend starting your day with a big thank you to our Lord and Savior!
  • Help others.  One of the best ways to learn to appreciate your own life and/or circumstances is to be of service to someone else.  Everyone has to deal with “stuff” in their lives and when we serve someone else that is experiencing a challenge, we can almost always find something about our own life that we are super grateful for.
  • Stay consistent.  Make daily gratitude a  lifetime habit.  One of the best ways to counter a negative thought is to replace it with a positive thought.  Naming something you are grateful for is one of the best weapons against negative thoughts and can instantly change your outlook which almost always impacts your outcome.  Consider gratefulness a weapon that you use for good.  🙂

The Bottomline of Being Grateful

What you think and, even more importantly, what you say about your life, your body, and your circumstances, has extreme power.  Being grateful helps you maintain your health which in turn helps you to succeed in every area of your life.  That, my friend, is called balance.

Here’s to an attitude of gratitude!

Shared with much love,
Jennifer Ledford