Why Diets Fail!

Today’s article comes from deep within my heart!

Summer is practically here already.  This could be causing you or someone you know to be tempted to go on a crash diet.  Or, maybe even a “cleanse” of some kind (which is really a diet in disguise!).

Before you go down that path please consider the consequences.  Temporary, restrictive, diets have a 95% failure rate and can do more harm than good!

Have you ever tortured yourself on the latest fad diet simply to find yourself unsuccessful and frustrated?

Maybe you lost a bunch of weight only to gain it back again.  Even worse, you gained back more than you lost!

You are not alone.  As a personal trainer I have seen so much physical and psychological damage from dieting it makes me want to scream!

Some of the reasons diets fail you are:

  • Slows down your metabolism
  • Causes you to store fat not burn it
  • It’s unsustainable for most people’s lifestyle
  • When you stop starving yourself and go back to a normal calorie consumption you WILL gain weight
  • Lack of energy due to being hungry
  • Eliminates entire food groups and key nutrients
  • Can cause binge eating

Look, I get it.  You want to get thinner and you want it now.  Most of us do not want to wait the amount of time it takes to lose weight that statistically stays off for life.  The diet industry is counting on that and the marketing is very convincing!

It starts with a change in mindset.  The mindset that you are going to switch to healthy eating.  Portion control, cutting back extras, and meal planning are all considered healthy eating.  Not starvation diets or skipping meals entirely!

Last week I posted some tips on how to lose weight in the next 30 days for summer.  I decided to repost them in this article for your easy access.

1) Exercise almost every day!  If your schedule permits do one workout six days per week.  Try an interval workout 2-3 times per week and alternate with more moderate activity on the rest of the days.

Choose a fun activity on your off day like a moderate hike, swim, taking your kids or dog to the park, or a stretch and release workout.

If exercising six days per week seems overwhelming start 20 minutes per day 2-3 days per week .  You’ll still get better results than nothing at all!

2) Eat in!  Cook at home for the next 30 days and bring your lunch.  Use light recipes from sources like EatingWell, Cooking Light, and Health magazine.

3) Avoid liquid calories for the next 30 days!  Try substituting alcohol, sodas, and other higher calorie drinks with water.  Try adding lemon or cucumber for some variation.

Sounds extreme?  Cut down to half or even a quarter of what you usually drink.  You can always go back to your normal consumption if you want to.

4) Cut back on dessert!  Desserts are usually loaded with calories.  If you have a sweet tooth try substituting with fruit or one piece of dark chocolate.

Try this for the next 30 days and I know you will be pleasantly surprised.

Seems a bit overwhelming?  Pick as many things from above that you can realistically add to your schedule and implement them right away.    By being consistent you will begin to see results.

Give yourself credit for getting started and know that this is a long term plan for success!

Have any questions or dieting stories you’d like to share?  Please comment below.  I’d love to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!











Lose Weight Fast for Summer

Summer is around the corner and maybe you haven’t lost the weight that you vowed in January would be gone by now.

Rather than beating yourself up there’s no time like the present to kick it into high gear and get ready for that beach weather!

We all know that fad diets promising rapid weight loss have a 95% failure rate so I won’t even endorse that type of a program.  It’s not worth it to lose weight for a season just to have it return, or even worse gain more than you lost!

Below are some tips my clients have used successfully that you can use for the next 30 days to help you lose weight for summer.

There’s some bonus tips at the end to help you look your best when you don’t have much time to peel off the pounds.  So you want to read the entire article.

1) Exercise almost every day!  If your schedule permits do one workout six days per week.  Try an interval workout 2-3 times per week and alternate with more moderate activity on the rest of the days.

Choose a fun activity on your off day like a moderate hike, swim, taking your kids or dog to the park, or a stretch and release workout.

2) Eat in!  Cook at home for the next 30 days and bring your lunch.  Use light recipes from sources like EatingWell, Cooking Light, and Health magazine.

3) Avoid liquid calories for the next 30 days!  Try substituting alcohol, sodas, and other higher calorie drinks with water.  Try adding lemon or cucumber for some variation.

Sounds extreme?  Cut down to half or even a quarter of what you usually drink.  You can always go back to your normal consumption if you want to.

4) Cut back on dessert!  Desserts are usually loaded with calories.  If you have a sweet tooth try substituting with fruit or one piece of dark chocolate.

5) Wear the right clothes!  If you do not have a flattering summer wardrobe then go get one.  Buy a few pieces that look great on you and get a swim suit/trunks that you feel good in.

Go on line and research the best fit for your body type and the stores in your price range.

Get a really nice cover up for any areas you may be self conscious about.  This will allow you to feel less stressed and enjoy yourself.

6) Copy the movie stars!  If you are fair, consider a self-tanner or a professional spray tan before you hit the beach.  Tan skin shows off muscle tone creating a leaner appearance and can conceal cellulite as well!

Try this for the next 30 days and I know you will be pleasantly surprised.

Can’t even fathom doing all of the above?  Pick the things you can implement and avoid overwhelming yourself.

Sustainable weight loss without dieting is a journey and does not happen overnight. Give yourself credit for any progress you make before summer starts.

Above all, enjoy yourself this summer.  Never let the media tell you if you should be wearing a bathing suit or not.  Refuse to buy into that nonsense!

Please let me know if this has helped you in any way or if you have any questions on how to get swim suit ready!

Blessings to you and yours!





Portion Control vs. Elimination Diets


Want to hear the latest?

According to the consulting and market research firm The Hartman Group, portion control is trending in and elimination diets are trending out in 2012.

Thank goodness!  I am so relieved to hear this. You all know there is no magic pill.  A well balanced approach to food is the answer to long term weight loss, and a much happier existence.

Portion control is one of the most important secrets behind weight loss.  A restrictive elimination style diet can cause binging and over eating.  Portion control teaches you how to eat the foods you like in moderation.  You may be asking how to control portion sizes without scales and various other measuring tools. What to do when you eat out? Great questions!

Five Simple Tips for Portion Control:

1)  Read the fine print!  Yes! The labels will tell you how many calories, but make sure you read how many servings are in that bag of chips, energy drink, box of crackers, etc.  Most snack size bags are actually two servings– not one!

2)  Are your plates super sized?  Over the years it’s become fashionable to have large plates.  Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you to get new dishes!  However, a plate that is smaller will appear fuller and may satisfy you more.

If you feel like you need the extra visual help, you can purchase plates that have the portion sizes built into them. Everything from plastic to china.  Another way I combat the empty looking plate is to use bowls. They appear fuller and I am able to scoop out the proper portion sizes with a ladle.

3)  Develop a visual system.  Not all plates are created equal so it is helpful to know what a proper serving is. Here are some visual cues/examples to help you with portion size, courtesy of WebMD:

  • Vegetables or fruit: about the size of your fist.
  • Pasta: about the size of one scoop of ice cream.
  • Meat, fish, or poultry: the size of a deck of cards or the size of your palm (minus the fingers).
  • Snacks such as pretzels and chips: about the size of a cupped handful.
  • Apple: the size of a baseball.
  • Potato: the size of a computer mouse.
  • Bagel: the size of a hockey puck.
  • Pancake: the size of a compact disc.
  • Steamed rice: the size of a cupcake wrapper.
  • Cheese: the size of a pair of dice or the size of your whole thumb (from the tip to the base).

4)  It’s okay to go back for seconds! Try serving from the kitchen counter to avoid reaching mindlessly for a second helping. If after 20 minutes you are still hungry, then go back and load up on veggies or a 1/4 to1/2 second serving.

Eating out?  No problem.  Ask your server about the portion sizes. Start with one or two dishes and then decide if you want more.  The kitchen will still be there!

5)  You do not have to finish everything on your plate!  Many of us were raised not to waste. This was a really important thing to teach us as children, and I am grateful for that up-bringing.  Unfortunately, this has been linked to overeating in adults.

I give you full permission to leave food on your plate. You will not be sent to your room! That may sound silly, however, so much of our childhood training affects the way we look at food. If you are like me and really dislike wasting food, then simply place whatever is left in a small container.  You can have it as a snack or combine with your lunch.

So there you go! These strategies can be implemented right away to help you with weight loss. Portion control is one of the best ways to begin cutting back on unnecessary calories without depriving yourself.

Have questions or tricks to share?  I’d love to hear from you below! 

Blessings to you and yours!
