Taking Care Of Yourself Isn’t Selfish, It’s Necessary

Taking Care Of Yourself Isn't Selfish, It's Necessary

There was a time when I used to burn the candle at both ends and it was exhausting.  From the outside I looked like a go-getter, but on the inside I was falling apart.  I had hit the wall emotionally, mentally, and physically.   I had focused on taking care of everyone except myself.  Out of necessity, I decided to start taking better care of myself and that’s when I decided to focus on total health, wellness, and self care.

After spending some time researching the term “self care”, I’ve figured out that there are different opinions and theories as to what self care is and it’s going to be personal and different for everyone.  In general, self-care is any activity that you deliberately do to contribute to your mental, emotional, and physical health in a positive way.  While that may sound simple, self care is something that is often ignored because the only one you are accountable to is yourself, and it’s easy to break dates with ourselves.

When it comes to self care, or doing things for yourself, one of the top reasons people report putting themselves on the back burner is a feeling of guilt.  Focusing time and attention on yourself is too often considered selfish.  Unfortunately, while it might seem noble or even necessary to sacrifice taking care of your mind, body, and spirit, over time it’s a recipe for burnout.

Taking time to take care of your mind and body is good for you and it’s certainly not selfish.  In fact, research is showing us that the pursuit of health and happiness is far from selfish.   When we practice self care, we’re likely to see an improvement in many areas of our lives, including our physical health and wellness, our relationships, and even our income. Plus, by making the choice to take good care of ourselves, we open up our capacity to care for others which helps contribute positively to the world around us.  It’s much easier to give to others when you feel well taken care of.  Self care is not a luxury it’s a necessity.

here is a list of thirty eight self care ideas to help you get started

  1. Give yourself permission to say no.
  2. Do your best to step outside every day.
  3. Stop and stretch once an hour.
  4. Drink plenty of water.
  5. Get at least 7 ½ hours of sleep a night.
  6. Laugh daily.
  7. Say nice things about yourself.
  8. Listen to music.
  9. Dance.
  10. Exercise.
  11. Delegate and ask for help. 
  12. Get a manicure, pedicure, haircut, etc.
  13. Ditch the guilt and justification around doing something for yourself.
  14. Move your body in a way that feels good. 
  15. Buy a new outfit.
  16. Decorate or change up the looks of your surroundings. 
  17. Ask for what you need.
  18. Accept compliments. 
  19. Journal.
  20. Pray.
  21. Meditate.
  22. Allow yourself to have a hobby.
  23. Work on your car.
  24. Fix or build something.
  25. Buy something new for yourself.
  26. Have lunch with a friend who makes you feel good about yourself.
  27. Go on a date with your spouse or significant other.
  28. Read a book or magazine.
  29. Go to the beach.
  30. Play with your pets.
  31. Take a bath.
  32. Attend happy hour at your favorite restaurant or bar.
  33. Plan a vacation or day trip.
  34. Light a candle.
  35. Order takeout.
  36. Get a babysitter.
  37. Browse antique shops and thrift stores.
  38. Hang out at the book store.

Because self care is so personal, I encourage you to make a list of your own ideas that you can pull from weekly or even daily.  For example, some people might list “go to the gym” as self care while others would prefer a “stroll on a beach.”  Self care should not have stress attached to it.  The whole point of self care is that you look forward to whatever you choose, it recharges you, and it lowers stress.

Here’s to taking care of yourself and living a long and happy life!

Shared with love,


Nine Famous Nutrition Findings That May Be Myths

Nine Famous Nutrition Findings That May Be Myths

I really like science and research.  Without it, my industry would not be where it is today.  However, the science field is not perfect and has it’s flaws.

It was recently reported that a famed Cornell researcher Brian Wansink and his Food and Brand Lab published hundreds of studies that have not been able to stand up to scientific scrutiny.  In other words, the data was flawed.  Based on this discovery, two decades worth of study findings on the psychology and marketing of food and eating may be invalid.

Because his work was so famous, I felt it was important to share this information with you. There’s a very good chance one or many of his findings have ben passed on to you by a trustworthy source.

Here are nine of the  famous – and now suspect- findings:

  • Keeping junk foods out of sight causes us to eat less of them.
  • Using smaller plates leads people to eat less.
  • People will eat almost all of the food that they serve themselves.
  • The nutritional gatekeeper at home influences nearly 75% of the food eaten by the rest of the family.
  • Half of the snack foods bought in bulk are eaten within a week of purchase.
  • Men eat more in the company of women.
  • Trayless cafeterias lead diners to choose less salad and more dessert.
  • Hungry grocery shoppers buy more calories, not more food.
  • Nutrition report cards may improve school lunch selection.

While some of the findings above may prove to be true for some or even many people, the scientific data that was used is now considered unreliable.  For the most up-to-date list of questioned studies you can check out the Retraction Database at retractiondatabase.org.

I believe it’s a good idea to pay attention to current research when it comes to health and fitness. I also believe it’s important to discover what works for you personally.  In the end it’s all about being healthy and whole.  Just because something is “science” based doesn’t mean it’s right for you or you need to jump on board.

I encourage you to be open to new research. I also recommend that you seek wise counsel, listen to good doctors, listen to your body, and pay close attention to your gut instincts.  🙂

Here’s to a happy and healthy week!

Shared with love,
