Can Sitting Too Much Kill You?

Concerned about how much time you spend sitting down? Good! Research is showing us that too much sitting is hazardous to your health.

A recent report in the Archives of Internal Medicine adds to a series of studies proving the negative effects of sitting for too long.

Researchers found that individuals who sit for more than 11 hours a day are 40 percent more likely to die in the next three years than those who are more active. Experts also said sitting between eight and 11 hours daily raises the early death risk by 15 percent.

“The evidence on the detrimental health effects of prolonged sitting has been building over the last few years,” said study author Hidde van der Ploeg, a senior research fellow at the University of Sydney.

And to top it off, extended periods of sitting are not just limited to the workplace. Researchers found that the average adult spends about 90 percent of leisure time sitting down as well.

Most of that time was spent watching television or using a computer.

The good news is this doesn’t have to be you! Now that science is telling us the dangers of sitting too much, you have even more incentive to stay active.

Five Ways to Avoid Sitting Too Much

1)  Get up every hour.  If you have a job that requires you to sit a lot, make it a goal to stand up and move around every hour.  Set a timer if you need a reminder.  Use the short break to hydrate and stretch.

2)  Stand while you work. Try a standing station and alternate between sitting and standing while working. Another option is to stand during conference calls. This is a great time to pace if it won’t distract you on your call.

3)  Take short walks. Walk whenever possible. Incorporate walking into your every day activities. Whether it’s taking the stairs, walking to lunch, or parking at the back of the lot, look for ways to incorporate movement into your daily activities. Use as many opportunities as you can to get exercise. It may take a few extra minutes, but the results could be priceless!

4)  Cook! Cooking means standing and moving around the kitchen. You don’t have to become a gourmet chef. Try some easy 20 minute recipes. Turn on some music and dance around the kitchen!

5)  Turn off the screen. Trade TV and computer time for exercise. Pick a form of exercise you are likely to stick to and avoid sitting in front of electronic devices. If there is something you really want to watch or some work you need to do, set a timer and limit yourself to an hour. Then go do something that requires standing or moving, like a hobby. It’s also a good way to get that to do list checked off!

Plan recreation for the weekend that is not in front of a screen. Walking your dog, going to the park, playing outside as a family, hiking, biking, and water sports are all great examples of things you can do on the weekend to avoid sitting for too long.

In today’s age of modern convenience and technology, you have to be intentional about moving. It is so easy to sit for hours and not even realize it. The need to exercise “on purpose” is pretty recent and doesn’t necessarily come naturally to us. Leave yourself reminders and notes until it becomes second nature to move more and sit less.

Do you have a clever way to fit exercise into your day? Please leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you!



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