I Agree, You Have No Time to Work out!
You’re shocked, right? After all, I’m a personal trainer. You were probably expecting a scolding! However, as a business owner, I have first-hand experience taking care of everyone else’s needs, just to realize at the end of the day that I have neglected my own personal health!
Instead of getting freaked out, I decided to use this as an opportunity to get myself on track and offer you solutions to the age old time dilemma based on my first hand experience.
Let’s face it– life has become more complex. More often than not, I sit down with a new client to find their day planner jam packed! I’m usually hard-pressed to find 30 minutes for a formal work-out– never mind an entire hour! That doesn’t change their desire to exercise. It just means we need to get creative on how to fit it in.
Here are some tips to get started:
- Live a Life by Design. Pause and ask yourself what you want your life to look like. What are your top 5 priorities? Make a list. Then look at your calendar and see if it reflects these priorities. Is there anything that you might want to put “on hold” for a season to start reaching your health and fitness goals?
- Focus on what you CAN do and start! While I am not personally raising kids of my own, parents have said that if you wait for perfect timing you will never start a family. You can look at exercise the same way. Granted, there are times when it is easier to start. However, life is not perfect. By focusing on what you can do now, you will build good habits and the momentum will follow you.
For example, can you walk to work, or walk on your lunch hour? How about taking the stairs at your office building every day; walking the dog; playing catch with the kids; or working in the garden?
Barry A. Franklin, PhD, national spokesman for the American Heart Association’s “Choose to Move” program says, “Several studies have shown that becoming more active in our daily lives can provide the same benefits as a structured exercise program.”
- Put it in writing! Once you have decided on the types of exercises and when you will do it, block it out on your calendar. Make sure you are realistic. This is about creating healthy habits for the long term, so if exercise has not been a part of your life, 10 minutes a night is a really great start.
- Learn to say no! Avoid adding anything new to your calendar without evaluating how it will affect your priorities and goals. “If you have a tendency to say “yes” too quickly, start practicing, “Thanks for asking. Let me check my calendar and see if I am available.”
This will allow you to assess your schedule and determine if it is in alignment with what you want in your life. If it’s a “no,” ask the person to keep you in mind for the future,” says Dr. LaVonne Atnip of The Encouragement Center. This allows you to keep the door open without sabotaging your health and fitness efforts.
I use this personally for all areas of my life. It is a great way to keep the relationship strong while focusing on maintaining the balance you have already committed to.
By preserving our own health and fitness, we are able to do the other things we enjoy and are passionate about for the long term.
Keep your eyes peeled! Don’t miss Part two of this series, when I will talk about lifestyle activity and how to capitalize on things you are already doing to lose weight and/or maintain it.
Please let me know if this has helped you or if you have any questions on how to fit exercise into your daily life. I’d love to help you!
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Blessings to you and yours!
Great tips and advice!! When track season arrived with my teens, my fitness routine went out the window along with a lot of other things.
But I’m looking over my calendar and finding time to do 10 min or 20 min intervals instead of a whole hour. Now, to work on consistency.
Thanks Selena!
So great that your teens are into track! Studies are showing us that 20 minutes of vigorous exercise can boost metabolism. So that is a great goal! For consistency I would do a minimum of twice per week for four weeks and after doing that successfully add another day if possible. To your success!