The Best Ab Exercise


Only Five Minutes a Day!

“What’s the best ab exercise?” That’s a question I’m constantly being asked. After 22 years in the fitness industry, I know that abs are the most talked about body parts. I know people want to know an easy answer so they can go do it for 1-5 minutes and be done with it. And that’s a good thing! You can accomplish a lot with a few simple ab exercises five minutes per day.

The Best Ab Exercise

In a minute I’m going to show you the best ab exercise. But first I want to share some vital information you need so you don’t injure yourself.

There’s a ton of great abdominal exercises out there that will strengthen, flatten, and tone.  I’ve got my own personal favorites. But, have you ever heard an instructor say “engage your core”  or “navel to spine” while you do the exercise and have no clue what that really means?  If so you are not alone.  After years in the fitness world and working with hundreds of clients I began to realize that few instructors, videos, and trainers take the time to show you how to engage the core properly.  It is assumed that you already know this.  It is so simple yet almost always gets skipped.

Do you know how to engage your core?

There’s a ton of great abdominal exercises out there that will strengthen, flatten, and tone. I’ve got my own personal favorites. But, have you ever heard an instructor say during a class, engage your core, or navel to spine  — yet have no clue what that really means?

If so you are not alone. After years in the fitness world and working with hundreds of clients I began to realize that few instructors, videos, and trainers take the time to show you how to engage the core properly. It is assumed that you already know this. It is so simple, yet almost always gets skipped.

If you have been taught how to engage your core properly, I applaud that trainer/instructor. However, when choosing the best abdominal workout, you still need to know what’s appropriate for your body to avoid injury.

Here are some things to think about before starting a new abdominal routine.

1)  Previous or current injuries. No exercise program should hinder the healing process. For example, if you have experienced a back or shoulder injury there are certain exercises that are not safe for you.

2)  Have you had a surgery? If you recently had any type of surgery (this includes C-section) or if you have recently given birth, there are great post-surgery ab exercises that you can do but a qualified professional should be showing you.

3)  Are you pregnant? Exercising when you are pregnant is a lot more popular now.  You definitely want clearance from your doctor first. Then, make sure you are working with a trained professional in pre-natal exercise.  Doctors recommend that you don’t start any new exercise routines while pregnant.

4)  Does your back hurt while or after you are doing the exercise? Pain is an indicator. It is your body telling you to stop and address the pain. It may be that the exercise is too advanced and should be modified. For example, if you are new to formal exercise, then a “boot camp” level workout is usually not a safe place to start. Work at your current level and advance when you feel strong enough.

Even if none of the above apply to you, always check with your doctor or medical professional before starting ANY new fitness routine.

With a whole month, and in some states several months of summer ahead of us I know you want to get started on that ab routine right away. That’s why I made a video for you .

In this video I teach you how to “engage your core” and use your abs safely. You can perform this exercise anywhere and any time to achieve a stronger, more toned abdominal area. This is the first exercise I teach my private clients and it is the foundation that all other core work is built on. It’s my gift to you. I hope it gets you on the road to the best abs ever.

Please let me know if this has helped you by commenting below. If you would like to see me release more videos with ab exercises or other strength training, please comment as well! I’m here to help you succeed!

Click here for your video link!

To your health and fitness!
