How Belief And Action Work Together To Help You Accomplish Your Goals

shutterstock_271205993 - Weight Loss Goals That Work - Jennifer Ledford

Goal setting is an interesting thing.  For some people it’s very methodical.  From the outside looking in, it can almost seem like they march right down the field of life crossing goals off their list as if it’s a simple trip to the grocery store.  While there’s always a backstory to anyone’s success, it’s important to take note of the basic principles that contribute to successfully accomplishing one’s goals.

When it comes to accomplishing goals, it’s imperative that you believe you can succeed.  Belief helps you expect a positive outcome which affects your thoughts, your words, and your actions.

One of the best examples of people that maintain high levels of belief they can and will succeed are professional athletes.  If you had a chance to watch the Super Bowl and any of the pregame interviews with the players, you may have noticed that they all demonstrated a high level of belief when it came to achieving the end goal of winning.  Not one of those players goes into the game expecting less than a win.  They know that only one team will take home the trophy but they all take on a “losing is not an option” attitude.  At the end of the game one team does take home the trophy and the other team has had one heck of a season. Both come out big winners.

One of the biggest reasons the players in the Super Bowl are able to believe they can win is because they have won games in the past.  Most people have a hard time believing they can achieve a goal that seems miles away from where they’re at.  Or, maybe they’ve had some success but never quite reached the end goal.  An example of this would be losing weight and keeping it off for good.  Based on my own personal experience, I can promise you that past failures by no means dictate your future.  However, they can get in the way when it comes to believing you can achieve your goals.

This is why it’s recommended that you pursue your goals one step at a time and keep them realistic.  With any new goal you’re going to have to step into some unchartered territory.  If you start with activities you believe you can implement right away and stick to, it’s going to be much easier to believe you can reach the finish line.  For every small step forward you take, additional confidence and belief is being built and the goal begins to seem less overwhelming.

While belief is one of the most critical components of success, belief alone, without action, will not take you very far.  Achieving goals requires taking the necessary steps to reach your goal along with staying consistent with the activities that will contribute to positive results.  This is why it’s very important that you set realistic goals based on your ability and  the time you can commit.

Fortunately time and ability are flexible.  You can always learn new skills and improve your ability.  And, you can always reevaluate how you are spending your time and make adjustments based on your current priorities.  I recommend getting started with one to two things you know you can implement right away and as you progress you will figure out what works with your schedule and which activities are giving you the best results .  What’s most important is that you are moving forward toward the goal.  Your journey is personal so avoid comparing yourself to others and their pace.  Focus on your own personal success.

When you believe you can succeed and make time to take the necessary steps to get you closer to your goal, you will be amazed with your results.

Here’s to total success in every area of your life!

With love,
Jennifer Ledford