How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach

"How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach" and "How Being Grateful Leads To Weight Loss And More" by Jennifer Ledford - Certified Personal Trainer - ledford0716-8084

Summer is on its way and I’m already seeing the funny videos on social media regarding getting back into shape.  While the videos are humorous, and I don’t necessarily have a problem with them, they do make me concerned that some people think they have to “get in shape” before they can wear a pair of shorts, tank top, or swimsuit.

For years, the fitness and diet industry has capitalized on this time of year to try to convince you that before you go out into public with part of your body showing you need to buy into the latest and greatest workout, diet, or shake.  The truth is you don’t.  The only thing you have to do to be ready to wear a tank top is pick one out and put it on your body.  🙂

Please understand, I’m not saying it’s wrong to want to look more toned and shed extra pounds that are not serving you well.  It’s totally normal and healthy to want to look good in your summer clothes and I encourage you to strength train at a level that is right for you.  I also think it’s a great idea to eat whole foods that serve your body well.

How To Feel Less Self-Conscious At The Beach

However, your self-esteem and whether or not you are willing to hit the beach or hang by the pool in your bathing suit this summer should not be based on whether or not you look like a fitness model in a magazine.  Bodies come in all shapes and sizes which is why we should always avoid comparison.  If you wait until you look like someone else before you will wear your summer clothes, you could be waiting a very long time and missing out on a whole lot of fun.  Life is WAY to short for that!

Even if you are totally at a peace with finding your natural set point and are currently losing weight without dieting, I want you to know that you don’t have to wait until you lose weight to put on a bathing suit or any other item of clothing.  Don’t ever allow the pressures of the diet culture or fitness industry to cause you to miss out on having fun.  Live in the moment and love yourself no matter what size your bathing suit is.  That, my friend, is total freedom!

Shared with love!