Four Simple Exercises To Help You Move More And Sit Less

Statistics are showing that most U.S. adults are sitting anywhere between nine and twelve hours daily. For many people, activities like commuting, working, shuttling kids, taking classes, or taking care of personal “stuff” are all contributing to their sitting time.  All of these tasks  are important, making it difficult to avoid the amount of sitting that is involved.

Research continues to show us that there are health risks associated with sitting for long periods of time on a daily basis.  If you know your day requires a lot of sitting, there are simple things you can do to lower the risks involved with being sedentary.  For example, taking short breaks to stand up and move can benefit you greatly.

In the short video below, I demonstrate four simple exercises that can help you move more and sit less. They are easy to weave into your day and you can do them almost anywhere.

Here’s to moving more and sitting less.  Every little bit counts!

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Snack Your Way To A Healthy Weight And Lifestyle


Snack your way to a healthy weight

Your body needs food to function properly.  If it doesn’t get enough calories, your metabolism can actually slow down.  Most people get hungry between regular meals and need extra food throughout the day.  Including snacks in your daily diet helps to keep your metabolism working properly, avoid binging, and keep your mind alert.  It also gives you the energy you need for lifestyle activities and exercise.

Snacking Wisely

Studies continue to show us that counting calories is not very effective when it comes to weight loss and or weight management.  Not only does counting calories mess with you psychologically, constantly stressing about calories can cause you to focus more on numbers than what your body wants and needs.  Instead of counting calories, I recommend focusing on eating foods that will satisfy you.  Pairing a carbohydrate and a protein at snack time will give your body the short and long term fuel it needs to sustain you until your next meal.  For an extra bonus, I recommend including some fresh veggies at snack time as well.

Ten healthy snacks to help you Feel full

1)  Fruit.  Fruit can be a healthy and long lasting snack when paired with foods like cheese, nuts,  or peanut butter.  It’s always good by itself, however you will stay full longer if the fruit is paired with a protein source.

2)  Tortilla Chips and Salsa. Chips and salsa is one of my most favorite snacks.  For protein, add some yoghurt to your salsa.  Add some avocado for an extra twist.  🙂

3)  Cheese and crackers.  Sounds indulgent?  Not really.  Your body needs fat.  Pre-sliced cheese is a great snack for on the go..  Break it into pieces and eat it with whole grain crackers.  Add some of your favorite cold cuts for a little variety.  Uncured salami is a big hit at our house.  🙂

4)  Yogurt.  Yoghurt with fruit or a small amount of honey makes a great snack that tastes great.

5)  Whole grain toast and peanut butter or a piece of cheese.

6)  Leftovers.  A 1/2 serving of leftovers will tie you over until your next meal.

7)  Frozen Yoghurt.  Add some fruit and you are good to go.

8)  Shakes.  I don’t recommend a diet that includes meal replacement shakes because it  can be less satisfying than solid food and backfire like most diets do.  However, for people on the go, shakes and smoothies can be a great way to drink a well balanced snack.  I recommend testing out different recipes and stick to the ones that keep you feeling energized and full.

9)  Hummus.  Whole grain pita chips and hummus is another one of my go to snacks.  Hummus is great for satisfying hunger, and a good whole grain pita chip will give you the complex carbs you need for energy.  Try adding some slices of cucumber for more variety.

10)  Cottage Cheese.  Pair  1/2 cup cottage cheese with fruit or crackers.

Your body likes to be nourished.  When it’s fed properly, your metabolism can operate at a better pace and settle at it’s natural weight.

Here’s to a happy and healthy week!

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How To Start Something New And Succeed

How To Start Something New And Succeed

My husband and I are in the process of moving into our new home.   Moving can be very disruptive so I’m eager to get our house organized as quickly as possible.

At first, I was attempting to organize each item as I unpacked it.  However, in my attempt to “stream line” the process, I ended up a bit overwhelmed and paralyzed.  We have lived in this house less than two weeks.  It’s going to take some time to figure out what works for us and what doesn’t.

Once I gave myself permission to arrange and rearrange for the next few months, I began unloading boxes and momentum began to occur.  This method turned out to be way more productive than trying to get everything “just right” the first time.

While I was unpacking mason jars and bath supplies, I began thinking about how much my moving experience applies to health and fitness.

I believe it’s important to plan and I am most definitely a planner.  However, too much planning or waiting until the timing is right can keep you from moving forward.  Years ago, a wise mentor gave me some really good advice regarding working toward a goal.  His advice was to just get started and figure out what works as you move forward.  He wasn’t advising me to be reckless, he was simply recommending I start with what I knew I could do right away rather than not start at all.

I firmly believe his advice applies to health, fitness, and every other area of your life.  If you start with one or two things you know you can do right away, then momentum is sure to follow.  That may be  ten minutes of exercise a day or signing up for a meal delivery service.  Or, you may be ready to start cooking most nights of the week and exercising thirty minutes per day.  Whatever your “getting started” looks like is personal and that’s OKAY.

Adding new things to your life like exercise, meal planning, and meal preparation usually require adjustments in your schedule and the best way to figure out what works for you is to just get started.   It may seem a bit messy and chaotic at first so I recommend you remain flexible.  It’s important that you give yourself permission to abandon things that are not working and stick to the things that DO work for you.  Some ideas you may scrap for good, but other goals can be revisited at a later time.

If you’ve been “waiting to have all of your ducks in a row” before you get started on something, I encourage you to take your first step.  Don’t be afraid to experiment, always be kind to yourself, and enjoy the journey.

Make it a great week!

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