Celebrate This Fourth of July Without The Extra Calories!


This year my dog (Dillon) and I will be marching in our local parade on the Fourth of July. I am super excited to be part of the celebration honoring the birth of our country and the people who fought for our freedom.

I do have a confession to make!

There’s another personal reason I agreed to do it. I wanted the exercise! What a fun way to get my workout in for the morning. It’s always great to find fun ways of exercising so it never feels like a chore.

One of my tricks to weight management without dieting is to get exercise on days I will be indulging.  I don’t use this method only on the Fourth of July — I practice this principle all summer long! For more tips on how to lose weight while enjoying your summer, read Tips for Your Summer Weight Loss Plan.

It is totally possible for you to have fun and avoid the extra calories this year!

1) Exercise! If you are walking in your local parade, this is a great way to get exercise. Committing to an event will help keep you on track when you might be tempted to “blow off” exercise.

You don’t have to be in a parade to get exercise on the fourth! You and your family and/or group could walk or hike before all of the grilling starts. Try calling to set it up in advance. If it’s too tough to fit in — plan fun, active games. This will also prevent the mindless snacking that can occur while visiting.

2)  Go Light! Having a potluck? Bring the lighter version of your traditional dish. Something as simple as substituting regular mayonnaise with the light version can cut back significantly on calories! Google is great for helping you find the lighter fare without compromising taste. Ask other friends if they want to bring light dishes as well. If appropriate, why not make “cooking light” the theme?

Choose leaner meats for the barbecue. A Kielbasa sausage has 330 calories. That doesn’t include the bun! Substitute with a chicken sausage that has 170 calories.

3)  Make calorie conscious choices! Limit foods like chips and dip. Nine chips and two tablespoons of dip is usually a serving and can have 200 calories easy! Load up on fruits, veggies, and green salad. Take smaller “taste size” portions of the heavier dishes like potato salad. This allows you to keep from feeling deprived and stay on target with your weight loss/management goals.

Substitute sparkling water or plain iced tea for sweet tea, energy drinks, and soda. Wine and beer have a lot less calories than blended “umbrella” drinks. If you plan on drinking some of your calories, you may want to skip dessert or vice versa.

Make a plan before the party starts. For example if the tea is sweet, I”ll choose water.

4)  It’s only one day!  You have to really pig out to gain weight in one day. However, the fourth can set the tone for the rest of the week and even the summer. If you overdo it, get right back on your normal eating and exercise plan the following day!

These tips will help you have fun without gaining weight! If you have a great tip you want to share or have a question, please leave a comment below!

Have a super fun and safe Fourth of July!

Blessings to you and your family!




Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight!

If mornings at your house are anything like mine, time is precious during those early hours! For many Americans, coffee is the breakfast of choice. You may be saying, “I know where you’re going Jennifer, but I just don’t have time!” Or, “I’m not hungry in the morning.”

You are not alone! These are common reasons for skipping breakfast. However, after you read this article you may want to consider eating a little something before you head out the door.

How breakfast helps you lose weight:

1) Jump starts your metabolism!  Once you are awake the body has already been fasting for an average of 10-12 hours depending on eating and sleeping patterns.

Skipping breakfast increases the fast to approximately 15-20 hours. This keeps the body from producing the enzymes needed to metabolize fat to lose weight. By eating breakfast you actually increase your metabolism!

2)  Battles binging! Skipping breakfast will make you ravenous later in the day and may cause you to overeat. You may find yourself nibbling mindlessly throughout the day. Combine a slow metabolism with that and you have a great formula to sabotage your weight loss plan!

3)  Inspires healthy choices!  Regular breakfast eaters have been proven to eat less throughout the day, pick healthier foods, and exercise.

It’s no secret that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  So how do you battle the obstacles holding you back?

1)  No time!  Make it to go and eat it at work. Try pre-cooked eggs and oatmeal from the night before. Or, toast a whole wheat english muffin and make a healthy breakfast sandwich.

2)  Not hungry! Start by having a piece of fruit in the morning. This will still break the fast and stabilize blood sugar. Work you way up to adding protein. Try a hard boiled egg, peanut butter, or yoghurt. Make it a goal to finish your entire breakfast by 10:00 a.m.

Make smart choices!

Since breakfast sets the pace for the rest of your day, you want to make wise choices.

When focusing on weight loss and management, a 300-450 calorie breakfast is a good target. If you are eating cereals, read the labels and pay close attention to serving sizes and calorie count. Granola is best used as a condiment rather than a meal.

Here are some examples of low-cal filling breakfasts:

Breakfast #1

  • Two fried eggs with a tablespoon of salsa
  • 1 serving of oatmeal with a tablespoon of coconut oil & blueberries

Calories: 435

Note: On this breakfast I eat a 1/2 serving of oatmeal. A full serving is too filling for me. You will want to experiment. I eat a snack around 10:00 a.m., usually a piece of fruit.

Breakfast #2 (replaces the fast food breakfast sandwich)

  • Whole wheat english muffin sliced & toasted
  • 1 fried or scrambled egg
  • 1 slice light cheese
  • 1 piece of nitrate free ham
  • Optional piece of fruit

Calories in sandwich: 329

Breakfast #3

  • 1 cup lowfat yoghurt
  • I tablespoon agave nectar
  • 1/4 Granola
  • Handful of blueberries

Calories: 370

If you already eat breakfast at least five days per week you are on the road to success. If you are just getting started, I hope this article has motivated you to incorporate exercise into your routine.

Have a quick, healthy breakfast you’d like to share? Please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!
