Tone Up For Summer

Marching In A Bridge by Certified Personal Trainer Jennifer Ledford - Core Exercises - Tone Up

Do you want to tone up for summer and build a stronger core?  If so, I’ve got you covered.  🙂

The exercise video below features an advanced version of the bridge.  If you’ve been doing bridges for a while and they are getting easy for you, this exercise will help you take your core routine to the next level.  If you’re just getting started then I recommend you start with a basic bridge. If that’s you, then scroll down to the second video.  You can start there and then work your way up to the more advanced bridge.

Two of my favorite things about bridging exercises are you don’t need any equipment and you can pretty much do them anywhere.  That’s a winning combination when it comes to weaving exercise into your lifestyle.

Enjoy the videos and have a fun and fit week!

With Love,