Six of the Best Healthy Christmas Food Gifts

Are you considering a food gift for someone on your list? Food is a great Christmas gift for the people that are hard to buy for and almost everyone likes to receive a goody in the mail! However, many people are working hard to maintain their weight this time of year. So if you know your recipient is trying to watch calories, you may want to skip the giant box of truffles and go for something a bit easier on the waistline.

1)  Fruit Basket or box of fruit. Harry & David is a great option. One of their most popular gifts this time of year are fresh pears. They’re delicious and can be served in multiple ways. You can even suggest poaching them and topping them off with a bit of cinnamon for a dessert! 

 2)  Indoor Herb Garden. Great idea for families and people who love to cook! Kids will enjoy the gardening project, and it’s convenient to have your herbs fresh in the kitchen. 

3)  Flavored Oils. Heart healthy flavored olive oil is a treat that cooks might not buy for themselves, but would enjoy having in their kitchen.

4)  Coffee and Tea. Specialty coffees and teas with a nice mug are a great Christmas gift that won’t sabotage a person’s healthy eating plan. If you’re not sure about the caffeine, go for an herbal tea that is naturally caffeine free.

5)  Subscription to a healthy cooking magazine or a cookbook. If you know the person on your list likes to use “lighter” recipes, this is a great gift. If they’ve never mentioned a desire to use low-cal recipes, I would skip this idea. A random arrival of a magazine like “Cooking Light” could be taken the wrong way. Best to know for sure on this one.

6)  Gift Cards. Restaurant or coffee shop gift cards are excellent Christmas gifts to send someone. You can be sure it will get used and won’t linger around the house like a box of chocolates! Your recipient will be able to work the gift into their healthy eating plan and will love you for the treat!

So relax and enjoy that last bit of shopping! It’s easy with the gifts I mentioned above!

Have a gift idea you’d like to share? Please leave a comment below.  I’d love to hear your ideas!

Merry Christmas!




Ten Simple Weight Loss Tips that Work

Too Much Weight Loss Information?


There’s a lot of information available on how to lose weight. So much that it can be overwhelming!  And, I’ve seen some unhealthy advice, including some that can’t last long term.

Like most people, you are probably too busy to become an expert in health and fitness. And you’d like simple strategies to lose weight and keep it off for good. Good news! I’ve got ten simple weight loss tips that are proven to work and will help you keep the weight off for good!

Ten Weight loss tips that are guaranteed to work!


1)  Eat! The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics revealed that people who didn’t blow off their meals lost an average of 8 more pounds per year.

2)  Write it down! As a personal trainer, I witness quite a bit of resistance to keeping food journals. I believe it’s because people think they will be judged or told they have to give something up. This is very normal!

On average, people that keep food journals lose more weight. One study showed that women who kept track of what they ate lost 6 lbs. more on average. Food journals have a proven track record!

If you know you have a resistance to writing down what you eat, keep it private. In the beginning, don’t even share it with anyone else. Think of it as simply collecting data. Then, start to review the journals and see if there is anything you think should be modified to help you with your weight loss goals.

The easiest way to do this is with an online app like After entering all of the data, you will be able to see if you are successfully creating a caloric deficit that will equal weight loss, or not.

3)  Eat the skins! A University of Iowa Study found that a substance in apple peel increases muscle and healthy, calorie-burning brown fat. And, apples are in season right now. Bonus!

4)  Exercise in the morning! Brigham Young researchers found that 45 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise in the morning reduces your motivation for food.

If exercising at a different time works better for your schedule, stick to what works and apply the other tips in this article.

5)  Wear fitted clothes! Fitted clothes are usually more flattering and are a great reminder to make the lower calorie choices during meals. You’re more likely to go for unnecessary seconds in a pair of sweats!

6)  Save family style for special occasions! People that serve their plates from the stove instead of the dining table are shown to eat 10% less.

7)  Like bread when eating out? Dip in olive oil instead of butter. You’ll eat 23 percent less bread and 16 percent fewer calories says The International Journal of Obesity.

8)  Eat three meals plus snacks! Eating every three to four hours helps equip you to say no to the temptations that can sabotage your weight loss goals.

9)  Add some arms! When walking outdoor or on the treadmill, make sure to swing your arms.  Swinging your arms will increase your calorie burn.

10)  Eat breakfast! Eating breakfast releases enzymes in the body that kick start your metabolism for the day. Starting your day off by having breakfast is a secret weapon for successful weight loss!

The tips above are proven to work and easy to apply. Have a weight loss tip you’d like to share or a question for me? Please leave a comment below! I’m looking forward to chatting with you!

Blessings to you and yours!




Lose Weight With Easy Low Calorie Recipes!

Eat at Home for Weight Loss

One of the easiest ways to lose weight without dieting is to make meal planning and eating at home a regular habit. Preparing meals at home not only helps you lose weight, it ensure that you are putting healthy food in your body. When you control the calories and the ingredients in your food, your chances of successful weight loss and good health are much higher.

If you are used to eating out often, the idea of cooking at home can seem a bit overwhelming. Other commitments like after school sports, exercise, business engagements or deadlines, and homework can leave little time for cooking meals.  At the end of a hectic day, the take out window looks pretty appealing.

Keeping it Simple!

So how do you accomplish cooking healthy, low calorie,  great tasting food without adding another project to your day? The trick is to keep it simple!

The first thing to consider when planning meals for the week is what your calendar looks like. How long will your chosen recipes take to prepare? Choosing recipes that take no more than 20 minutes will allow you to eat healthy and lose weight without feeling totally overwhelmed.

Five Steps for Quick and Easy Home Cooking

1)  Plan your meals for the week.  Choose quick low calorie recipes for each night you plan on cooking. I recommend Cooking Light’s Super Fast Recipe Selection. These recipes are 20 minutes or less and they are delicious! Add a salad as a side to your meals to feel more full, and get extra fruits and veggies in your diet.

2)  Make a shopping list. Make a list of all the ingredients you will need before heading out to the store. This will eliminate last minute trips to the store which can suck up your time or tempt you to opt for take out.

3)  Make extra! Make extra servings that can be used for lunch or dinner the next day.

4)  Have a back up! Keep healthy frozen meals in the freezer for the days that do not go as planned. I keep frozen organic pizzas, wild caught fish sticks, frozen vegetables, and french fries on hand at all times.

Pick a few staples that appeal to you for your own freezer. Or, freeze leftovers to keep on hand for a last minute meal.  Make a salad while the meal is heating in the oven, and you’ll have a healthy meal to keep your weight loss efforts on track.

5)  It’s okay to cheat. Buy pre-made items that will save you time. Things like organic pasta sauces, jarred salsas, and sauces are great time savers when recipes call for making these sauces from scratch. Avoid buying anything with partially hydrogenated oils or high fructose corn syrup in it. It’s best when you recognize everything on the label.

You don’t need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to eat healthy. And, you do not have to be a master chef either. Keep it simple and you will lose the weight without adding the overwhelm.

Have a quick and easy low calorie recipe you’d like to share?  Please comment below! I would love to hear from you!

Blessings to you and yours!
