Elbow Plank: Ab Exercise To Help You Tighten Your Core

Elbow Plank - Ab Exercise To Help You Tighten Your Core by Jennifer Ledford

Planks are a popular exercise in the personal training world.  They are simple to learn, very effective, and you can do them almost anywhere.

Because the plank strengthens all of your core, not just your abdominals, it teaches your body’s muscles to work together which helps you move more efficiently when performing other activities such as walking, hiking, swimming, biking, etc.  It also helps with strengthening and improving posture which can assist in preventing back pain.

In today’s video I demonstrate how to perform an elbow plank with a knee tap.  This exercise is a little more challenging than your traditional plank.  However, it’s not so over the top that it’s impossible to perform. Take a moment to watch the video and if it’s right for you add it to your routine two to three times per week.  I know you’ll be happy with the results!

Here’s to having strong muscles that allow you to do the things you love!

Shared with Love,
Jennifer Ledford

ELBOW PLANK: Ab Exercise To Help You Tighten Your Core

How To Improve Your Posture

How To Improve Your Posture

These days all you have to do is look around any public place and you’ll notice people that are hunching over their phones. Technology is changing how we hold ourselves and if we slouch too much it can have some serious consequences. Current research is linking slouching to more than just back pain. The research is revealing that hunching over can be bad for your self esteem, cause depression, and affect memory. Yikes!

Please understand, I’m not picking on technology. I’m a huge fan of technology and I don’t plan on giving up my smartphone or my computer any time soon. I’m guessing you’re not planning on it either. Technology is here to stay so I believe it’s important that we all take a few steps throughout our day to help avoid back pain, boost confidence, and remain alert. Keeping your shoulders pulled back makes your body look leaner so it can improve your appearance as well. Bonus!

In today’s video I share a simple exercise that will help you engage the muscles in your mid back. Engaging the mid back muscles helps you keep your shoulders back and avoid slouching. Take a moment to watch the video and use the exercise. You’ll be glad you did!

To your good posture for life!

Shared with love,
Jennifer Ledford

Simple Ways To Avoid Back Pain From Sitting Too Much

Young business man holding his lower back at work

In today’s information age we seem to find ourselves sitting for longer periods of time than ever before. While there are many conveniences and high levels of productivity associated with all the technology, the down side is many Americans have become more sedentary.

Long periods of sitting cause certain muscles to overwork, and in some cases to shorten which can lead to tight muscles and back pain. The good news is there are some basic steps you can take to avoid the stiffness and back pain you feel when sitting for too long.


The most important step is to make sure that you do not sit for longer than an hour at a time. If you know you can get engrossed in your work, then consider using a timer on your desk — or an app to remind you to stand up and move around.

Once you are standing you’ll be tempted to round the back to stretch it. However, you want to do the opposite.


1) Take your elbows to your side and squeeze your shoulder blades together attempting to touch your elbows together behind you. Notice I said attempt. You will not be able to touch them.

2) Once you have brought the elbows back, hold them in place and push them down toward your back pockets. Do this 3-5 times.

After you have finished the exercise, move around. Get a drink of water. If you have other safe stretches that you know, do them. Just remember to move every hour!


Did you know that fidgeting is good for you? Fidgeting used to be frowned upon and considered a bad habit. However, research has shown that fidgeters burn an additional 350 calories per day. If you are fidgeting, you are moving. So, as long as it is appropriate, fidget away!

Even if you get up every hour and like to fidget, sitting can take its toll on the body. I recommend my clients get a massage every two to four weeks from a massage therapist that is knowledgeable in trigger point therapy. Check with your insurance company because it may be covered under your health plan.

If your schedule or budget does not allow a massage frequently, the next best thing is “The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook” by Clair Davies. This book is designed for the patient/client, and it teaches simple step by step techniques for self massage. I recommend this book to all of my clients and use it in my daily fitness practice.

These tips will help you move more, stay healthier, and avoid back pain.  However, it’s always a good idea to consult with a medical professional if you are experiencing back pain.  Especially if it lasts for more than two weeks.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m here to help!


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